Rome wasn't built on mutual admiration.
– Rainbow Rowell
#rainbowrowell #quoteoftheday #6marzo
Heading into the weekend with “Any Way the Wind Blows “by Rainbow Rowell. I finished “Wayward Son” (book 2 in the Simon Snow series) the other day and the only book I could read next was book 3: “Any Way…”. I love this series and I love Simon and Baz! And Penny! #EuanMorton is the perfect narrator. #bookstodon #lgbtq #AmReading #YA #fantasy #RainbowRowell
#euanmorton #bookstodon #lgbtq #amreading #ya #fantasy #rainbowrowell
Rome wasn't built on mutual admiration.
– Rainbow Rowell
#rainbowrowell #rome #quoteoftheday #11Dicembre
She-Hulk 1 [deu]
Zurück zu den Wurzeln
Autor: Rainbow RowellZeichner/Tusche: Rogê Antônio, Luca MarescaFarben: Rico RenziLettering: Claudia SartorettiÜbersetzung: Carolin HidalgoKaufen: Panini ShopErscheinungsdatum: 04.10.2022Bewertung: 4/5
Zuletzt wurde Jen in der Avengers Serie arg durchgeb
#Comics[deu] #ClaudiaSartoretti #LucaMaresca #Panini #RainbowRowell #RicoRenzi #RogêAntônio #She-Hulk
#comics #claudiasartoretti #lucamaresca #panini #rainbowrowell #ricorenzi #rogeantonio #she
Je vais retrouver Eleanor et Park avant de dormir.
J'sais pas s'il faut vraiment que je lise une belle histoire d'amour moi en ce moment. M'enfin, ces deux personnages sont bien attachants!
Bonne nuit <3
#livre #lecture #book #reading #littérature #jeunesse #eleanor&park #rainbowrowell
#livre #lecture #book #reading #littérature #jeunesse #eleanor #rainbowrowell