just saw a nice presentation by @Birdbassador at #EuroVis2023 on the design space of #RaincloudPlots.
this @observablehq notebook shows several combinations of cloud, rain, and lightning to accommodate the distribution's shape, raw data values, and some statistics
⛈️ https://observablehq.com/@mcorrell/raincloud-robustness
📄 https://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.1111/cgf14826
#design #datavis #raincloudplots #EuroVis2023
Very exciting news!
Our newest #rstats #package `ggrain` - a #ggplot2 extension package for Raincloud Plots in R - has been accepted at CRAN!
Now you can create Raincloud Plots within one simple 'geom_rain()' call, all according to the Grammar of Graphics!
Work together with:
All the links:
- CRAN version: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggrain/index.html
- GitHub version: https://github.com/njudd/ggrain
- NWO Open Science Fund 2021: https://www.nwo.nl/en/projects/203001011
#data #openscience @Posit #raincloudplots
#raincloudplots #openscience #data #ggplot2 #package #rstats
As part of our Open Science Fund, we will host our fourth (&last) FREE Raincloudplots virtual workshop - Sign up and join us to learn how to make rainclouds in R and Python!
When: 17 Feb 2023, 14:00-16:00 CET
Sign-up: https://github.com/jorvlan/raincloudplots-workshops
Funded by: #NWO #OpenScienceFund (edited) #rstats #datascience #dataisbeautiful #raincloudplots @jordyvanlangen
#nwo #OpenScienceFund #rstats #datascience #dataisbeautiful #raincloudplots
#rstats help needed!
Using #ggridges you can also color by quantile (see 1st Figure).
Our question is: How can you color - not by quantile - but by self-defined borders (e.g., for LIKERT data)? Please see the 2nd figure!
#openscience #opensciencefund #nwo #datascience #datavis #opensource #rstats #datavisualization #ggplot2 #rpackage #raincloudplots #github #programming #CRAN #rstudio #posit #scicomm #science #academia #academics #visualization #teamscience #statistics
#statistics #teamscience #visualization #academics #academia #science #scicomm #posit #rstudio #cran #programming #github #raincloudplots #rpackage #ggplot2 #datavisualization #opensource #datavis #datascience #nwo #OpenScienceFund #openscience #ggridges #rstats
As part of our NWO funded Open Science project we are improving our #raincloudplots package - We have a new beta R package release, and would love feedback on whether it installs/loads ok, any bugs, clarity of the vignette etc. Do tell us the good, bad and ugly #datascience #rstats #openscience #datavis #dataisbeautiful https://github.com/njudd/ggrain
#raincloudplots #datascience #rstats #openscience #datavis #dataisbeautiful