#bloomscrolling #flowers #echinacea #rudbeckia My #rainGarden is in full bloom!
#raingarden #rudbeckia #echinacea #flowers #bloomscrolling
That storm completely filled my rain garden! It’s good to know the overflow drain works! #raingarden
We added some fancy edging and some more mulch today. You can also see the clover is starting to come in near the house. I think we’re pretty much done now. #raingarden
Well, it works! We got enough rain to totally fill our rain garden, and then the water was all soaked into our thirsty soil less than 30 minutes later. #raingarden
For your #BloomScrolling pleasure, I present one of my small #RainGardens
Bonus #GnomeWar locations in #AltText
#GardenForWildlife #GardeningForWildlife #GardeningForPollinators #GardeningForBees #BeeSafeYard #GardensOfMastodon #RainGarden #GardenPhotography #Garden #Gardens #GardenGnomes
#bloomscrolling #raingardens #gnomewar #alttext #gardenforwildlife #gardeningforwildlife #gardeningforpollinators #gardeningforbees #beesafeyard #gardensofmastodon #raingarden #gardenphotography #garden #gardens #gardengnomes
#GardenForWildlife #GardeningForWildlife
I found a little #SpiderWeb in the corner of my #RainGarden #Forage pile!
I wonder who lives here?
#gardenforwildlife #gardeningforwildlife #spiderweb #raingarden #forage
From @MassCZM RT by @MassDEP: A #RainGarden is a specially designed and planted depression in the ground that collects, filters, and treats stormwater. For #MAEarthWeek, see this CZM Stormwater Solutions fact sheet for tips on how to plant one in your yard: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/stormwater-solutions-for-homeowners-fact-sheet-rain-gardens
And it should go without saying, but you need to design an overflow for any #RainGarden. Nature will always surprise you, and water overflowing the berm will erode it and you'll wind up with a smaller scale re-enactment of a levee break.
This project has a rock lined overflow channel, and a pipe under the sidewalk into a shallower secondary infiltration pit (to avoid compromising tree roots) before it overflows into the street.
Sizing a #RainGarden needs to be based on the infiltration rate of your soil. dig a 3' hole and fill it with water. time how long it takes for the water to disappear.
Your infiltration pond should have the capacity for the area of harvesting, typical hard rain rainfall rate for your area, and infiltration rate.
i.e. 2hr infiltration with a .25"/hr rainfall = .5", and 1000 sq ft of roof capture needs a 300 gallon capacity before overflowing.
RT @grncommunities: Residential rain garden program is back at @LondonEnviroNet. Check this post for more details on how to apply. #RainGarden #LdnOnt https://t.co/qm95DY4slC
Good Morning!! And happy #Caturday!
Yesterday was a lovely day with my mom and I got a major task off my to-do list! Hurrah! Plus, my yard was full of birds when I got home and I added 2 new birds to my Life List on Merlin. #ThreeGoodThings
#Today, I am going to purchase native plants for a very wet spot in my yard. I can't wait to create a #RainGarden. I've dreamed about it for years. Seeing so many gardens here on the fediverse finally has me motivated enough to try.
#Caturday #threegoodthings #today #raingarden
Free Rain Garden design program- Thursday, February 23 at 10am in the Bethel Municipal Center's GP Room- presentation by Cynthia Rabinowitz, Executive Director of the Northwest Conservation District, who will be discussing Rain Gardens and their benefits.
To RSVP (required):
or call (860) 626-7222
Bethel Municipal Center is within two blocks walk of the Bethel Metro-North train staion
#gardening #raingarden #waterconservation #watermanagement
Looking to make a rain garden in my yard. We get lots of rain in Dec&Jan, most of which runs into the street.
#gardening #erosion #raingarden
Rain has finally made its way to my corner of the #PNW and I can't decide what project to spend #RainyDayRecess on. I'll probably suit up and go stare at my downspout #RainGarden and daydream about all the #ferns I'll be adding when planting-time arrives. #wawx #NativePlants
#nativeplants #wawx #ferns #raingarden #rainydayrecess #pnw
During heavy rains a lot of water comes to my yard from the neighbors and eventually makes it to the street. I'm thinking about making a rain garden to help capture some.
#flooding #raingarden #conservation #gardening
#flooding #raingarden #conservation #gardening
Have you heard of rain gardens? We’re going to need A LOT more of them to adapt to a future of powerful storms 🌧️
#RainGardens absorb storm water -- preventing #flooding -- filter out pollutants & recharge groundwater. Pavement, on the other hand, allows swells of runoff to overwhelm the storm water system and flood city streets. Which is what's happening right now across the state...
#raingardens #flooding #greeninsfrastructure #rain #rainstorm #cawx #raingarden
Felt good to get out in the #raingarden today. Pic on left was when it was planted 2 years ago, right is now. It's filled in beautifully, even if it's not glamorous this time of year. #raingardens #xeriscaping #stormwater
#stormwater #xeriscaping #raingardens #raingarden
@gardeningwell sooooooo pretty. I love them, but I am terrible at growing them.
We get an (I think???) related plant in our #RainGarden - the 'sensitive' plant. Cute pink belle shaped flowers on a tall stock... that quickly get devoured by those nasty iridescent green beetles.
Storm-water runoff should go into the ground, not into streets, basements, sewers or water-treatment plants…
Example success : Stormwater Reduction and Water Budget for a Rain Garden on Sandy Soil, Gary, Indiana, 2016–18
#raingarden #stormwater #hydrology #water #groundwater
#science #librarian
#raingarden #stormwater #hydrology #water #groundwater #Science #librarian