The rainy weather yesterday evening in Walnut Creek and continues today. #friday #WalnutCreek #RainyDayBayArea
#friday #WalnutCreek #rainydaybayarea
#jigsawpuzzles I finished this in 3 days. 1000 pieces and one of the hardest I've done. The vines in the foreground were killer. No differences in color so by shape only #vineyards #RainyDayBayArea
#jigsawpuzzles #vineyards #rainydaybayarea
Local streams are quite full due to the Atmospheric River - #atmosphericriver #BayAreaWeather #RainyDayBayArea
#MtDiablo creek
#atmosphericriver #bayareaweather #rainydaybayarea #mtdiablo
Local streams are quite full due to the Atmospheric River - #atmosphericriver #BayAreaWeather #RainyDayBayArea
#atmosphericriver #bayareaweather #rainydaybayarea