We know Sinema hates workers since she wouldn't vote to raise the minimum wage, yet she had a lot of company. No Republicans supported raising the minimum wage!!

After the longest period in history without an increase, the federal minimum wage today is worth 27% less than 13 years ago—and 40% less than in 1968 (After adjusting for inflation)


"Last July marked the longest period without a minimum wage increase since Congress established the federal minimum wage in 1938, and continued inaction on the federal minimum wage over the past year has only further eroded the minimum wage’s value. As shown, a worker paid the current $7.25 federal minimum wage earns 27.4% less in inflation-adjusted terms than what their counterpart was paid in July 2009 when the minimum wage was last increased, and 40.2% less than a minimum wage worker in February 1968, the historical high point of the minimum wage’s value.

#gophatesworkers #wanttheirserfsback #gopinbedwithrich #raiseminimumwage

Last updated 2 years ago

Beebaddabop · @beebaddabop
4 followers · 15 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

Nurses, postmen and bus/train drivers striking, excellent. Waiting for the retail/hospitality sector to finally have enough, shut businesses, and strike for better pay. The Karens would have an absolute meltdown. .

#bekindtoserviceworkers #raiseminimumwage #fuckthetories #FuckgreedyCEOs #Improveworkersrights #hadenough

Last updated 2 years ago

Liana Brooks · @LianaBrooks
150 followers · 2103 posts · Server mastodon.online

It's just a little bit ridiculous that two adults with FT jobs and multiple college degrees can't earn enough to raise a family because the cost of living out-paced our earning power before we joined the workforce.


Last updated 2 years ago

Grow In Peace · @GrowInPeace
66 followers · 78 posts · Server mas.to

This is a disgrace.


Last updated 2 years ago