Attorney-Generals criminalising 13 year olds is a national disgrace -
If ever there was a case for a #HealthInAllPolicies #HiAP briefing, then make it happen for the country's A-Gs: Urgent request for help in protecting children from being locked up and traumatised
#healthinallpolicies #hiap #raisetheage
Here is the actual report from 2020:
The wheels turn so slowly. As we reported last year, the AGs were advised in 2020 to raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14 years of age.
Participants noted the ongoing work of the re-convened Age of Criminal Responsibility Working Group to develop a proposal to increase the minimum age of criminal responsibility. The group's report to be delivered to the Council ahead of its next meeting.
Statement from A-Gs meeting on Friday 28 April is here:
Includes #RaiseTheAge discussions
cc @CroakeyNews
Email your local politician in your state or territory — #RaiseTheAge
World report on human rights for 2023, highlighting where Australia still needs urgent work, including to #RaiseTheAge of criminal responsibility to 14, and reversing recent anti-protest laws.
Via #GuardianAu By: #DanielHurst
#Auspol #ClimateChange
#raisetheage #guardianau #danielhurst #auspol #climatechange
World report on human rights for 2023, highlighting where Australia still needs urgent work, including to #RaiseTheAge of criminal responsibility to 14, and reversing recent anti-protest laws.
“Subject to some caveats, the report recommended the Commonwealth, State & Territory governments should raise the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 14 years of age, without exception” – #RaiseTheAge
“There’s simply no excuse for putting 10, 11, 12 and 13 year-olds into prison. None whatsoever.” We agree with Australian Lawyers Alliance’s
Locking up kids doesn’t reduce crime. Young people need to stay in school. They need services, not sentences.
RT @SenatorThorpe
After being withheld by the Morrison Govt for 2yrs, the Council of AGs have released a report that calls for all states and territories to #raisetheage of legal responsibility to 14. Our children need to be home, connected to culture, country and community, to make them strong.
RT @humanrightsHRLC
Tomorrow, Attorneys-General across Australia can make a call to stop imprisoning 10 year olds. Children belong in playgrounds and schools, never prison. We call on AGs to #RaiseTheAge at least to 14 and release the secret government report. Add your voice:
The UN committee urged Australia “to identify the root causes of the overrepresentation of indigenous people in prisons and revise regulations that led to the high incarceration rates”.
"Locking young people up during their crucial years of development has long-term impacts including poor emotional development, education outcomes & worse mental health in adulthood"–
Successive Govts have failed First Nations families, leaving our kids in prison and out-of-home-care. Our kids need to be home with their families and communities; connected to culture &country. #RaisetheAge of legal responsibility to at least 14. #VicVotes #SpringSt
#raisetheage #vicvotes #springst