"Coles staff to wear body cameras in supermarkets to combat theft and violence"
How about #raisetherate? The biggest drive of all this is poverty. Abolish #MutualObligation and other punitive suspensions of payments.
#raisetherate #mutualobligation
Psst... you're outside the wrong Parliament!
This is nationwide, the most important element of the fix is to fix poverty.
#raisetherate, #publichousing, #freetertiaryed #betterpubliced
Remember, the RBA is driving up interest rates to suppress demand and wages, and drive up unemployment.
Frustrated youth crime victims march on Qld parliament
#raisetherate #publichousing #freetertiaryed #betterpubliced
Nothing about this is a surprise to a long-term unemployed person. Like me. This is the system. By maintaining a pool of desperation, employers, corporations, and businesses are able to drive workers to accept lower wages. There are, of course, some protections against driving wages beyond liveability, but as we've seen, those protections are eroded over time or worked around by stimagtising unemployment and eroding social safety nets.
#raisetherate #noncompete #workersoftheworldunite
Worth remembering that 2016 Twitter was significant in the social highlighting of #robodebt, which lead to today's Royal Commission Report.
We're still to see if the sealed chapter will lead to real prosecutions and convictions! Until then, it's political panto* on Labor's part.
*one of the recommendations is #RaiseTheRate
Below is a thread link showing Jeremy Poxon Tweet regarding the employment services system inquiry.
#auspol #ParentsNext
#SarinaRusso #JulianHill #CPSU #JobSeeker #WorkforceAustraliaemploymenservices #NESA #SalvationArmy #JobsAustLtd #CVGT #Racism #TheASU
jeremy poxon
“welfare rights activist” // #RaiseTheRate // Abolish Work for the Dole // tell me your job agency horror stories: jeremy@auwu.org.au
An Inquiry into the multi-billion dollar employment services system has been running since August last year. Curiously, not a single media outlet in the country is currently covering it.
But i am! Here's a master-thread of the Inquiry's greatest hits
#auspol #parentsnext #sarinarusso #julianhill #cpsu #jobseeker #workforceaustraliaemploymenservices #nesa #salvationarmy #jobsaustltd #cvgt #racism #theasu #raisetherate
Yesterday, probably because I had spare words in me due to the demise of Twitter, I wrote a blog post about hating Labor and their surplus. Read it maybe?
Fuck this government.
If you have a budget surplus, you're not doing your job properly.
#AusPol #RaiseTheRate #JobSeeker #FundTheNDIS
#auspol #raisetherate #jobseeker #fundthendis #becomeungovernable
RT @Jansant@twitter.com
So, the King River is flooding which means the Ovens will also likely be rising.
People are living in tents along the rivers that run through Wangaratta, @AlboMP@twitter.com.
#auspol #HousingCrisis #CostOfLivingCrisis #raisetherate
#auspol #housingcrisis #Costoflivingcrisis #raisetherate
It's been a year, are we pleasantly surprised yer?
Me, a poor person: I can't afford tomatoes because of the combined cost-of-living crisis fuelled by profiteering, and refusal for Anthony Albanese to #RaiseTheRate above the poverty line.
Labor supporters: It's all Putin's fault
Me, a poor person: *starves*
Labor supporters: Look at what Putin is doing!
Promises haven't been delivered at ALL. Labor made promises before the election campaign that they've walked back. Who cares if it's during an election, if you say it as a politician, it's a fucking promise.
Very disappointing that we’re still having to push so hard to #raisetherate!
This, my motion way back in 2019 when I was a City Councillor with my colleagues the Jesses…during odious Morrison/Frydenberg Govt…so disappointing we still have to be pushing this a year into an Albanese Labor Govt
So why tax cuts for the wealthy?
And excessive defence spending?
Fossil fuel subsidies?
We voted to fix this. Not waste more on the rich.
@AustralianLabor, @AlboMP @JEChalmers
#raisetherate #stopstage3taxcuts
So why tax cuts for the wealthy?
And excessive defence spending?
Fossil fuel subsidies?
We voted to fix this. Not waste more on the rich.
@AustralianLabor, @AlboMP @JEChalmers
#raisetherate #stopstage3taxcuts
“#Poverty and #homelessness are treated like complex ‘wicked’ problems by decision-makers, but at their core, they’re remarkably simple.
“Resources are unevenly distributed and economic inequality is fundamental to the system our society is built around. As radical as it may seem to think about meaningfully addressing this, it also feels unfathomable that we should allow people to sleep in bushes, sit in the rain, and shuttle from shopping centre to park bench, living just to survive, while others flourish.”
#Canberra #Auspol #Melbourne #RaiseTheRate
From: @luciedigitalni
#poverty #homelessness #canberra #auspol #melbourne #raisetherate
No one left behind
More cartoons, gifs and videos on Patreon
HT @ACOSS @AdamBandt @SimonKatterl @_PHAA_ @cohealth_au @GrattanInst
#raisetherate #auspol #healthbudget2023
Anger over modest JobSeeker boost for over 55s while younger and Youth Allowance recipients look set to miss out #raisetherate #auspol @CroakeyNews #healthbudget2023 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-03/jobseeker-budget-boost-for-over-55s/102279970
#raisetherate #auspol #healthbudget2023
Can we riot now?
#Australia is having a very bad day.
On #MayDay of all days, #Labor (the irony isn’t lost) seems committed to leaving millions of people on benefits living in poverty. Including me.
#australia #mayday #labor #auspol #raisetherate