When they drink Raktajino in #DeepSpace9, does the replicator automatically serve it with milk, or a milk-like substance? I don’t remember.
For that matter, is there a milk like substance on the Klingon homeworld, and what is it called? Are there baristas and micro-roasters?
#coffee #Raktajino
#DeepSpace9 #downthescifirabbithole #HashtagGames #startrek #deepspacenine #coffee #raktajino
The only thing that would make this morning better is if I had a replicator to make me an easy breakfast, cause there is no way I am cooking this morning, and a raktajino made after the style of an iced caramel macchiato. Iced Raktachiato? 🤭
#startrek #klingoncoffee #raktajino #macchiato
The #basicpetaq stainless steel tumbler is back in stock on https://voraciouswhimsy.com so I made a little video in honor of the fact that I have a cold brew addiction and this thing is not only cute but usually still has leftover ice in it the next morning. #cutegifts #blackfriday #fanart #startrekfanart #nerdygifts #startrek #klingon #raktajino #startrekds9 #repostifyoulikeraktajino
#basicpetaq #cutegifts #blackfriday #FanArt #startrekfanart #nerdygifts #startrek #klingon #raktajino #startrekds9 #repostifyoulikeraktajino
This is still the most Klingon design on a coffee bag I've ever seen. #raktajino