In this episode, I speak with Dr. Casara Andre about helping dogs with cannabis. I met Dr. Andre during a dog trainer conference in 2019 and subsequently worked with her team to assist two of my dogs with ailments, injuries, and aging through the use of cannabis. We ...

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Last updated 1 year ago

New Podcast: Dominance and Submission Explained

Unfortunately, far too many dog trainers fail to understand the ethological meaning of the terms dominance, submission, and aggression and misuse them. If this topic interests you more, I highly recommend the books ...

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Last updated 2 years ago

New Podcast: Dog Parks

In this episode, we discuss dog parks. On the one hand, they provide a much-needed space for socialization, but on the other hand, they are dangerous places. We unpack the challenges and provide some tips to minimize the risks.

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Last updated 2 years ago

New Podcast: Canine Enrichment

In this episode, we discuss canine enrichment. This is a much broader topic than is often acknowledged. Enrichment is important for most species. We all have experienced boredom. It’s the birthplace of regrettable ideas.

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Last updated 2 years ago

New Podcast: When Dogs Attack

In this episode, we discuss dog attacks. We review the risks and frequency of dog attacks on people nationwide. How to take precautions to avoid unnecessary risks and several self-defense options with a good chance of working.

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Last updated 2 years ago

New Podcast: How to Rescue a Dog

If you wonder how to rescue a dog, we have tips for you! Sadly, millions of dogs live in animal shelters across the nation. So when you are ready to add a member to the family, animal shelters are a great place to find a wonderful companion.

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Last updated 2 years ago

New Podcast: Emotions in Dogs

In this episode, we discuss emotions in dogs. We explore the limbic system, the part of the brain responsible for emotions in all mammals. I briefly overview the Blue-Ribbon emotions and how and why this matters when working with dogs.

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Last updated 2 years ago

New Podcast Episode: Clarity in Dog Training

In this episode, we discuss why clarity matters. Clarity matters in communicating, training, and living with your dog harmoniously. Family dogs do best when they understand how everything in the home functions, how each family member interacts with them, and what each family member accepts and doesn’t accept in their interactions.

#podcast #dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogtraining #dogtrainer #happydogtraining #ralfwebercdt

Last updated 2 years ago

New Podcast: Leash Aggression in Dogs

In this episode, we discuss leash aggression in dogs. Most dog owners use this term if their dog loses their mind at other dogs, people, cars, bikes, or whatever, when on a leash. Off-leash the dog may even be fine. Just on a leash, it acts like a lunatic.

#podcast #dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogtraining #dogtrainer #happydogtraining #dogbehavior #ralfwebercdt

Last updated 2 years ago

New Podcast: Dog Misbehavior

In this episode, we discuss dog misbehavior. That generally means any behavior by your dog you don't care for. But much of what is called dog misbehavior is rooted in genetic frustration. Most misbehavior is not that but simply a normal—and perfectly fine—behavior expressed in an inappropriate context.

#podcast #dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon #dogtraining #dogtrainer #happydogtraining #ralfwebercdt

Last updated 2 years ago