In the #Spirit of #ContinuousImprovement; I'd like to #Propose the #Formation of the #LGBTQUIAX+RS #Community...
#QUeer <<#DeepBreath>>;
#Asexual #Allies;
#OtherNonHeterosexualPeople; and/or,
#VroomVRoom | The #EternallyEvolving #BadScrabbleHand
I'll #AlsoAlsoAdd... #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#spirit #continuousimprovement #propose #formation #lgbtquiax #community #lesbian #gay #bisexual #transgender #queer #deepbreath #intersex #asexual #allies #xmen #othernonheterosexualpeople #rallysport #vroomvroom #eternallyevolving #badscrabblehand #blackandwhiteandredallover #alsoalsoadd #quotetoots #stillquitecool
Daqui a pouco vai para a estrada o segundo dia do Rally de Lisboa com duas PEC em Vila Franca de Xira. Amanhã, é em Arruda dos Vinhos que se desenrola parte das emoçáes. Obrigada ao piloto Carlos Fernandes por me mostrar que... vale a pena estar vivo para experimentar tamanha loucura. #rallydelisboa #carlosfernandesrallydriver #rally #rallysport #autocross #rallyracing #racecar #rallylover #rallyfans #Mitsubishi
#rallydelisboa #carlosfernandesrallydriver #rally #rallysport #autocross #rallyracing #racecar #rallylover #rallyfans #mitsubishi
In the #Spirit of #ContinuousImprovement; I'd like to #Propose the #Formation of the #LGBTQUIAX+RS #Community...
#Asexual #Allies;
#OtherNonHeterosexualPeople and/or,
#VroomVRoom | The #EternallyEvolving #BadScrabbleHand
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#spirit #continuousimprovement #propose #formation #lgbtquiax #community #lesbian #gay #bisexual #transgender #queer #intersex #asexual #allies #xmen #othernonheterosexualpeople #rallysport #vroomvroom #eternallyevolving #badscrabblehand #blackandwhiteandredallover
From my #newsarchive in #rallysport , #newsphotograper #2012 #wrc #photo
#newsarchive #rallysport #newsphotograper #wrc #photo