d4doome · @d4doome
571 followers · 1440 posts · Server mastodon.ie

In 1973 Doctor Who producer Barry Letts and script editor Terrance Dick decided to do a scifi TV series as radically different as possible from Doctor Who. A kind of anti-Doctor Who. The result was Moonbase 3.

Its gritty realism and claustrophobia are pluses and star Ralph Bates is excellent but it lacks action and was unsuccessful. Worth a look.

My review: cult-tv-lounge.blogspot.com/20

#SciFiTV #scifi #sciencefiction #culttv #retrotv #70stv #doctorwho #barryletts #terrancedick #ralphbates

Last updated 2 years ago

d4doome · @d4doome
568 followers · 1430 posts · Server mastodon.ie

Lust for a Vampire (1971). Possibly excepting Dracula AD 1972 this must surely be the most reviled of all Hammer’s movies.

Its problem is that it's sleazy and trashy but probably needed more sleaze and more trashiness. But it's still good fun.

My review: princeplanetmovies.blogspot.co

#Hammerhorror #HammerFilms #HammerGothic #gothichorror #vampires #vampiremovies #horrormovies #classichorror #trashcinema #ralphbates #yuttestensgaard #britishhorror #70smovies

Last updated 2 years ago