Check out a video and paper from #RamanujanMachine, which has used #BOINC to discover new expressions for fundamental mathematical constants.
#DistributedComputing #VolunteerComputing #GridComputing #CitizenScience
#ramanujanmachine #boinc #distributedcomputing #volunteercomputing #gridcomputing #citizenscience
I was initially disappointed that my new #BOINC set-up was only running #EinsteinAtHome, but nowadays #RamanujanMachine is running a mile a minute! ॰॰॰Laundry today. Still waiting for that fabled ecstasy to show up beforehand though. ॰॰॰I keep dreaming about my infernal former workplace The Moronic Inferno. 'Tis my not being prepared for a test! ॰॰॰
#boinc #einsteinathome #ramanujanmachine