#Sudafrica #Russia
Presidente Cyril #Ramaphosa (#ANC|Centro-sinistra): "Un gruppo indipendente formato per indagare sulle accuse secondo cui il Sudafrica avrebbe fornito armi alla Russia nel corso del conflitto in corso con l'Ucraina ha concluso che non c'erano prove a sostegno di tali affermazioni. Le accuse mosse contro il nostro Paese hanno avuto un effetto dannoso sulla nostra valuta, sulla nostra economia e sulla nostra posizione nel mondo."
#sudafrica #russia #ramaphosa #anc
Watching #ramaphosa on tv at the site of 74 people burnt in that Jhb fire is disappointing, to say the least. South Africa is a failed state. There is only one reason. The #ANC has allowed lawlessness to flourish. Simple.
Remember when everyone thought #Ramaphosa was going to deliver us from the endemic corruption in his #ANC ; good times.
#Brasile #BRICS
#Lula (#PT|Centro-sinistra): "L’importanza dei BRICS è confermata dal crescente interesse mostrato da altri paesi ad unirsi al gruppo. Come ha indicato il presidente #Ramaphosa, è con soddisfazione che il Brasile accoglie nel gruppo #ArabiaSaudita, #Argentina, #Egitto, #Emirati, #Etiopia e #Iran."
#brasile #BRICS #lula #pt #ramaphosa #arabiasaudita #argentina #egitto #emirati #etiopia #iran
#Sudafrica #BRICS
Cyril #Ramaphosa (#ANC|Centro-sinistra): "Come cinque membri BRICS abbiamo raggiunto un accordo sui principi guida, gli standard, i criteri e le procedure del processo di espansione del gruppo. Abbiamo un accordo sulla prima fase di questo processo di espansione. Abbiamo deciso di invitare l'#Argentina, l'#Egitto, l'#Etiopia, l'#Iran, l'#ArabiaSaudita e gli #Emirati a diventare membri a pieno titolo di BRICS dal 1° gennaio 2024."
#sudafrica #BRICS #ramaphosa #anc #argentina #egitto #etiopia #iran #arabiasaudita #emirati
Il gruppo di nazioni #Brics ha deciso di invitare gli #EmiratiArabiUniti, l’#ArabiaSaudita, l’#Egitto, l’#Iran, l’#Etiopia e l’#Argentina ad unirsi al #blocco, è quanto affermato dal presidente sudafricano Cyril #Ramaphosa durante il #vertice di tre giorni. I #BRICS (#Brasile, #Russia, #India, #Cina e #SudAfrica) amano anche presentarsi come una sorta di alternativa geopolitica non o anti-occidentale all’egemonia statunitense.
Mio articolo
#BRICS #EmiratiArabiUniti #arabiasaudita #egitto #iran #etiopia #argentina #blocco #ramaphosa #vertice #brasile #russia #india #cina #sudafrica
"This for us, as the BRICS family, is a momentous occasion and we rejoice with you. We join you in the joy of this great achievement...," he added.
#BRICS #SouthAfrica #Ramaphosa #India #Chandrayaan-3
#brics #southafrica #ramaphosa #india #chandrayaan
Prime Minister Narendra Modi meets South African President Cyril Ramaphosa at the 15th BRICS Summit. Focus on global challenges and economic growth discussed
#PMModi #Trade #Investment #SouthAfrica #Ramaphosa #Sidelines #BRICS
#pmmodi #trade #investment #southafrica #ramaphosa #sidelines #brics
Prison overcrowded
Zuma gets prison reprieve
Ramaphosa agrees
#southafrica #zuma #prison #ramaphosa #haiku #poetry
Crime pays if you're a politician in #SouthAfrica Shame on #ANC #Ramaphosa #corruption
South Africa’s Ramaphosa pardons predecessor Zuma, other offenders https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/11/south-africas-ramaphosa-pardons-predecessor-zuma-other-offenders
#southafrica #anc #ramaphosa #corruption
Il Presidente Cyril #Ramaphosa (#ANC|Centro-sinistra) ha dato la grazia al suo predecessore Jacob #Zuma (ANC) come parte di una "remissione speciale".
L'ex presidente era stato condannato a 15 mesi di reclusione nel 2021 per aver sfidato un'indagine sulla corruzione sistematica delle istituzioni statali durante il suo governo.
#sudafruca #ramaphosa #anc #zuma
#Südafrika #Russland #Indien #China #Brasilien
#Brics #Solidarität #Putin #Zuma #Ramaphosa
Südafrika streitet über Brics-Gipfel -
„Wir sind Putin“:
#sudafrika #russland #indien #china #brasilien #brics #solidaritat #putin #zuma #ramaphosa
‘Historic’ BRICS Summit to Be Held Without Putin in Person - Russian President Vladimir Putin will not travel to Johannesburg for the BRICS sum... - https://news.bitcoin.com/historic-brics-summit-to-be-held-without-putin-in-person/ #enlargementexpansion #nationalcurrencies #foreignminister #cyrilramaphosa #vladimirputin #memberstates #sergeylavrov #southafrica #currencies #president #ramaphosa #absence #members #russian #brazil #lavrov #russia #summit #brics #china #india #putin #news
#news #putin #india #china #brics #summit #russia #lavrov #brazil #russian #members #absence #ramaphosa #president #currencies #southafrica #sergeylavrov #memberstates #vladimirputin #cyrilramaphosa #foreignminister #nationalcurrencies #enlargementexpansion
"Why did [...] #Putin change his mind about joining the #BRICS summit
The [...] to me most likely reason is [...] #Indian prime minister [...]
while #SA has been focusing on #Russia, #Modi had a very successful [...] trip to the #US and #France, where he has been welcomed [...] and given pledges of the more weaponised kinds [...]
My guess is that Modi does not want to jeopardise these newly established relations [...] over [...] Putin"
#putin #brics #indian #sa #russia #modi #US #france #southafrica #ramaphosa
#BREAKING South #Africa 's president #Ramaphosa has confirmed that Vladimir #Putin won't attend the #BRICS #summit in Johannesburg in August. The #Russian president is #wanted by the #ICC for #war #crimes in #Ukraine. #SouthAfrica as a #signatory to the court would be expected to arrest him if he would travel there
#Breaking #Africa #ramaphosa #putin #brics #summit #russian #wanted #icc #war #crimes #ukraine #southafrica #signatory #BBCWorldService
#Sudafrica #Russia
Presidente Cyril #Ramaphosa (#ANC|Centro-sinistra): "Il Presidente #Putin non sarà presente al prossimo vertice #BRICS. Al suo posto, la Russia sarà rappresentata dal Ministro degli Esteri #Lavrov."
#sudafrica #russia #ramaphosa #anc #putin #BRICS #Lavrov
Wieder zuviele ätzende Nachrichten. Heute: wie Südafrikas Präsident feige Putlers Genozid in der Ukraine unterstützen will.
Zugunsten der Geschäfte natürlich, was auch sonst. "Kriegserklärung", dass ich nicht lache. Ist der mal weg, freuen sich die Mäuse Zuhause und geben den Krieg vielleicht sogar schneller auf. Aber nein, man muss das Monster ja mit Samthandschuhen anfassen.
#fckPutin #fckPutinsHelpers #Ramaphosa
#fckPutin #fckputinshelpers #ramaphosa
BRICS Leaders to Talk Expansion at August Summit, Host Confirms - The leaders of the BRICS states will discuss the organization’s enlargement when t... - https://news.bitcoin.com/brics-leaders-to-talk-expansion-at-august-summit-host-confirms/ #developingeconomies #johannesburg #memberstates #organization #enlargement #southafrica #membership #countries #expansion #president #ramaphosa #members #nations #summit #brics #group #news #bloc
#bloc #news #group #brics #summit #nations #members #ramaphosa #president #expansion #countries #membership #southafrica #enlargement #organization #memberstates #johannesburg #developingeconomies
But the #ICC had already issued an arrest warrant for #Putin and #SouthAfrica, as a member state, is obliged to arrest the Russian president if he attends the summit. "#Russia has made it clear that arresting its incumbent president would be tantamount to a declaration of war," #Ramaphosa said. This was reported by Reuters news agency.
#ramaphosa #Russia #southafrica #Putin #icc
South African President Cyril #Ramaphosa has appealed to the International Criminal Court (#ICC). He asked permission not to arrest #Putin if he came to South Africa, as that would likely an announcement to declare war. Background is the meeting with Brazil, #Russia, India and China planned for next month, which is to be attended by all heads of state and will be hosted by #SouthAfrica.
#southafrica #Russia #Putin #icc #ramaphosa