May 2023
May 2023
Beautifully written speculative fiction from Metaphorosis magazine.
All the stories from the month, plus author biographies, interviews, and story origins.
Table of Contents
The Diamond Noose — Ramez Yoakeim
The Conch Shell — Elizabeth Raphael
Anamnesis — Karl El-Koura
The Zoo Diaries V — Frances Pauli
Cover art by Carol Wellart....
#Carol Wellart #Elizabeth Raphael #Frances Pauli #Karl El-Koura #Ramez Yoakeim
#ramez #karl #frances #elizabeth #carol
The Diamond Noose - Ramez Yoakeim
From the smug grins everyone flashed me as soon as I walked into the precinct, I knew I was in for a nasty surprise.
#Ramez Yoakeim
A question for Ramez Yoakeim
Q: What is your favourite part of writing?
A: When I'm writing, anything is possible, including giving this instinctive introvert a voice extending far beyond anything achievable on my own. It's also a sort of therapy as I inhabit a multitude of characters, each with their own backstories, perspectives, and conflicts, and in so doing discover otherwise...
#Ramez Yoakeim
May 2023
May 2023
Beautifully written speculative fiction from Metaphorosis magazine.
All the stories from the month, plus author biographies, interviews, and story origins.
Table of Contents
The Diamond Noose — Ramez Yoakeim
The Conch Shell — Elizabeth Raphael
Anamnesis — Karl El-Koura
The Zoo Diaries V — Frances Pauli
Cover art by Carol Wellart....
#Carol Wellart #Elizabeth Raphael #Frances Pauli #Karl El-Koura #Ramez Yoakeim
#ramez #karl #frances #elizabeth #carol
About Ramez Yoakeim
Born in Egypt, raised in Australia, and now living with his husband in the United States, Ramez Yoakeim spent his whole life adapting. A one-time engineer and educator, Ramez’s work favors the darker side of SFF but mostly he writes about hope., @RamezYoakeim
Ramez Yoakeim’s story “The Diamond Noose”
in Metaphorosis Friday, 5 May 2023.
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#Ramez Yoakeim