The chairman of the Temple Construction Committee, Nripendra Mishra, has announced that a date in the last week of January 2024 has been set for the installation of Ram Lalla in the new temple in Ayodhya. Mishra also discussed the security measures and crowd management plans that have been drawn up for the temple complex. He revealed that the temple is being constructed using traditional methods and materials, with no steel or ordinary cement, and that the foundation is 12 meters deep.
#RamLalla #RamMandir
It's wonderful to see the Ram Lalla finally getting his rightful home and the entire world witnessing it! #RamMandirInAyodhya
#PMModi #RamLalla #Ayodhya #January #CM
#rammandirinayodhya #pmmodi #ramlalla #ayodhya #january #cm
UP CM Yogi Adityanath on Thursday affirmed that PM Narendra Modi will lead the consecration ceremony of Ram Lalla in the upcoming Ram Temple in Ayodhya in January next year.
#PMModi #RamLalla #Ayodhya #January #CM
#pmmodi #ramlalla #ayodhya #january #cm