The chairman of the Temple Construction Committee, Nripendra Mishra, has announced that a date in the last week of January 2024 has been set for the installation of Ram Lalla in the new temple in Ayodhya. Mishra also discussed the security measures and crowd management plans that have been drawn up for the temple complex. He revealed that the temple is being constructed using traditional methods and materials, with no steel or ordinary cement, and that the foundation is 12 meters deep.
#RamLalla #RamMandir
#HTExclusive | General secretary of Sri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust @ChampatRaiVHP on the consecration ceremony, for which PM Narendra Modi has been invited
#htexclusive #rammandir #ayodhya #press
#InPics | Inside view of construction work of Shri #RamMandir in #Ayodhya
(Photos by Deepak Gupta/Hindustan Times) #press
#inpics #rammandir #ayodhya #press
"BJP fulfils promises, we abolished Article 370, grand Ram temple is now being built": Rajnath Singh
#RajnathSingh #Article370 #BJP #Rammandir #press
#rajnathsingh #article370 #bjp #rammandir #press
Behind dust curtain, new Ayodhya rises
The ancient temple town is getting a grand makeover in time for the #RamMandir inauguration early next year.
Behind dust curtain, new #Ayodhya rises
As the grand opening of the #RamMandir draws near, entire Ayodhya city is undergoing a makeover.
3600 मूर्तियां, पत्थरों पर बारीक नक्काशी, कैसा दिख रहा अब राम मंदिर, देखें तस्वीरें
#RamMandir #मूर्तियां #पत्थरोंपर #नक्काशी #कैसा #राममंदिर
#rammandir #मूरतियां #पतथरोंपर #नककाशी #कैसा #राममंदिर
Water from 155 rivers across globe offered to #RamMandir in #Ayodhya #press