🧐 Saviez-vous que l'oléoduc #EACOP affectera 158 sections de zones humides en Ouganda, dont des sites protégés par la convention #Ramsar ?
Le partenaire des Amis de la Terre , Afiego publie un rapport commandité à un expert indépendant #StopEACOP #ProtectWetlands https://www.afiego.org/download/factsheet-on-eacop-impacted-wetlands-in-uganda-july-2023/?wpdmdl=3073&refresh=64bed6e51a6e61690228453
Relais d'un thread des Amis de la Terre France
#protectwetlands #STOPEACOP #ramsar #EACOP
Please sign this petition (scan the QR code here) to stop Westernport from becoming an industrial port for turning brown coal into brown hydrogen.
Westernport is an Internationally recognised #Ramsar wetland, tidal bay and a #UNESCO designated biosphere, it is not a port for the purpose of extending fossil fuel projects and profits.
Le type reçoit un courrier de la mairie, ben il se dit qu'il va cacher sa merde 🤪
#natura2000 #ecologie #loisurleau #ramsar
Toondah Harbour: should a wetland home to endangered birds become $1.3bn worth of shops, high-rises and a marina?
"the loss of habitat along the flyway is a key reason for the loss of many migratory shorebirds – not just eastern curlews, whose numbers have dropped by two-thirds over the last 20 years."
RT @EFEverde@twitter.com
La Convención #Ramsar apela a la Cumbre del Clima en Egipto y a la próxima de Biodiversidad en Canadá a incrementar la conservación de los #humedales, el 64 % de los cuales ha desaparecido, porque "sin humedales no se atenderá la #emergenciaclimática".
#ramsar #humedales #emergenciaclimática
This @mongabay article titled "Protecting the peatlands and woodlands in Angola’s ‘source of life’" describes threats to the ecosystem which acts as a carbon sink and feeds water to the Okavango Delta:
"The highlands have been isolated for decades by civil war and extensive minefields. Now, local populations are returning to live there, draining the peat bogs and clearing miombo woodlands for agriculture."
There is also illegal logging by companies.
Environmental scientists are calling for extension of restrictions, with an enlarged conservation area, application of the Ramsar Convention, and through "community forest reserves".
However, disappointingly the article does not present the viewpoint of the "returning populations", nor indicate how they would be consulted or involved in determining restrictions and managing a balance between protection of the ecosystem and their own human needs.
#Angola #Peat #Okavango #RAMSAR #COP27 #ClimateChange #Conservation #Environment #Carbon #Agriculture
#angola #peat #okavango #ramsar #cop27 #climatechange #conservation #environment #carbon #agriculture