#Ramy gets it right, I think. Afaik Ramy Youssef did consult people from Egypt, from Palestine for scenes and characters set in #Egypt and Palestine. Hmm any #Egyptian folks who've watched Ramy? Is it good portrayal? Thoughts? I know many Indian Muslims felt seen in the show.
#Emmy Predictions 2023 - Who Will Likely Be Nominated for Lead Actor in a Comedy Series?
http://www.tv-recaps-reviews.com/2023/06/emmy-predictions-lead-comedy-actor.html #Emmys #Emmys2023 #AtlantaFX #BarryHBO #TheBearFX #Bupkis #DaveFXX #TheGreat #LuckyHank #Mo #OMITB #PartyDown #Ramy #Shrinking #TedLasso #TulsaKing #WWDITS
#wwdits #TulsaKing #tedlasso #shrinking #ramy #PartyDown #OMITB #mo #luckyhank #thegreat #DAVEFXX #bupkis #TheBearFX #BarryHBO #atlantafx #emmys2023 #emmys #emmy
Finalmente, la tercera temporada de #Ramy llega a nuestro país por medio de MGM en Prime Video Channels.
Heute neu: Staffel 3 von Ramy bei MGM+ #Ramy #HeuteNeu #PlayByDay
Neues von BMF, Blindspotting, Ramy und Co ab Sommer bei MGM+ #BMF #Blindspotting #Ramy
也不是说要啥完美受害人,也不是说这些无优势男性的痛苦就不存在,就是……唉,can't relate.
除了男主外每个角色都被描绘得灵动可爱, 就男主, 男主这傻屌还“信仰与世俗”的冲突, 操他的不就是宗教给了他个挫男“多妻”的优势嘛, 丫还真敢在新婚夜和妻子说你同意我再娶一个吗, 操他的操他的操他的, 他有的选但是选择了听从鸡巴.
第二季没再看, 阿訇的漂亮女儿如果不和男主离婚我会疯, 可要离婚了阿訇一家会完蛋. 啊!操这个男主!
Ramy season 3 lessgoooo
I just rated Ramy Season 3 ★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆ https://trakt.tv/shows/ramy/seasons/3 #Ramy #trakt
I just rated Ramy Season 2 ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ https://trakt.tv/shows/ramy/seasons/2 #Ramy #trakt
I just rated Ramy Season 1 ★★★★★★★★☆☆ https://trakt.tv/shows/ramy/seasons/1 #Ramy #trakt
I'm watching Ramy 1x10 "Cairo Cowboy" https://trakt.tv/shows/ramy/seasons/1/episodes/10 #Ramy #trakt