A thread to mark ten years since the Rana Plaza garment factory complex in Dhaka Bangladesh collapsed into a pile of rubble, terror and grief. Forever placing a mass grave at the heart of the fashion industry.
#RanaPlaza #RanaPlaza10YearsOn #RanaPlazaNeverAgain #Fashion
#ranaplaza #ranaplaza10yearson #ranaplazaneveragain #fashion
"One of the big tragedies of Rana Plaza is that this was supposed to be the watershed moment in which the fashion industry truly changed - but while the buildings are safer, conditions for workers have not truly changed."
Did a podcast interview about the tenth anniversary of Rana Plaza for Sky News. Please have a listen and a share if you like ▶️ 🎧 It's a good primer on what happened and why.
#fashion #ranaplaza #ranaplaza10yearson
Here is the opening to the documentary that will be screened on Monday 24th.
Featuring devastating interviews with survivors and moving footage of the site of Rana Plaza as it is now.
(Content warning - injury and industrial mass-homicide.) #RanaPlaza #RanaPlaza10YearsOn
#ranaplaza #ranaplaza10yearson
Followed straight after by Rana Plaza And The Resistance at Toynbee Hall (very near Altab Ali Park).
Monday 24th April 18:00
https://ranaplaza-solidarity.org #RanaPlaza10YearsOn #London
On the anniversary itself: Monday 24th April - East London Remembers Rana Plaza. Meet 17:30 at Altab Ali Park.
https://ranaplaza-solidarity.org #RanaPlaza10YearsOn
🧵#RanaPlaza10YearsOn Flyer Thread 🧵
Sunday 23rd April - Oxford Street Walking Tour. Meet 12:30 Soho Square. https://ranaplaza-solidarity.org
Did a podcast interview about the tenth anniversary of Rana Plaza for Sky News and it came out today.
Am pleased with it - they let me say what I wanted to say and didn't edit out the politics.
Please have a listen and a share if you like ▶️ 🎧 It's a good primer on what happened and why.
Hashtags from here - #Fashion #RanaPlaza #RanaPlaza10YearsOn #GarmentIndustry #FashionIndustry #Capitalism #AntiCapitalism
#fashion #ranaplaza #ranaplaza10yearson #garmentindustry #fashionindustry #capitalism #anticapitalism
This phenomenal photo exhibition is starting this week in East London as part of #RanaPlaza10YearsOn https://ranaplaza-solidarity.org
#Photography #London #EastLondon #TowerHamlets #Photograph #Photo #Exhibition #Fashion #FashionActivism
#ranaplaza10yearson #photography #london #eastlondon #towerhamlets #photograph #photo #exhibition #fashion #fashionactivism
Considered the deadliest unintended structural failure of modern times, Rana Plaza was a mass industrial homicide. An estimated 1,138 people were killed. Thousands more were trapped in the rubble.
Twenty-nine global brands were identified as having recent or current orders with at least one of the garment factories in the Rana Plaza building. These brands included Primark, Matalan, Benetton, Mango, C&A, Walmart, The Children’s Place, and KiK.
For those of you that don't remember - the Rana Plaza factory complex in Bangladesh was an eight-storey building housing five garment factories.
This overcrowded, poorly built complex became a symbol of global inequality when, on 24 April 2013, it collapsed in on itself – its straining internal pillars buckling and cracking under the weight of too many storeys, too many machines and bales of cloth, too many human beings packed in tight rows.
Some news! Today marks the launch of the Rana Plaza Solidarity Collective, a UK group that has been set up to mark the tenth anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse.
We have a schedule of events taking place around the anniversary on the 24th April which can all be found here: https://ranaplaza-solidarity.org/
#FashionActivism #FashionNews #GarmentWorkers #Fashion
#SignTheAccord #RanaPlaza #ProtectProgress
#ranaplaza10yearson #ranaplazaneveragain #fashionactivism #fashionnews #Garmentworkers #fashion #signtheaccord #ranaplaza #protectprogress