#DumpDay #Tomorrow #ChicoCA #MarysvilleCA #WestSacramento #RanchoCordova #CleanCA #Trash #Litter #Free @CaltransHQ @CAgovernor @ChicoCityof @cityofwestsac @CityofRCordova Visit https://bit.ly/3Gb1os1 for all the details!
#dumpday #tomorrow #chicoca #marysvilleca #WestSacramento #ranchocordova #cleanca #trash #litter #free
NEXT WEEK! Four FREE #DumpDays in #ChicoCA, #MarysvilleCA, #WestSacramento, & #RanchoCordova, a #CleanCACommunityDays education fair, lots of #communitycleanup activities, #graffitiremoval, #treeplanting. Have we forgotten anything? @CAgovernor @CaltransHQ #CleanWaterCA #DumpDay
#dumpdays #chicoca #marysvilleca #WestSacramento #ranchocordova #cleancacommunitydays #communitycleanup #graffitiremoval #treeplanting #cleanwaterca #dumpday
FOUR FREE #DUMPDAYS coming to #chicoca #marysville #westsacramento and #ranchocordova! We're celebrating #CleanCA Days of Action to meet the goals of #CleanCA. Details at https://bit.ly/3Gb1os1. For other statewide events visit cleancalifornia.dot.ca.gov. @CAgovernor @CaltransHQ
#dumpdays #chicoca #marysville #WestSacramento #ranchocordova #cleanca
@erik_kwakkel I spent some non-research time visiting the Stuttgart city library last month. Of course I had an objective, but I quickly found myself in the local writers section. It’s an amazing space with wonderful curation. In contrast, I visited my #locallibrary in #RanchoCordova this summer to explore the local history section. Unfortunately that did not exist (yet), but I was also quickly consumed with the selection of books I did not expect to find there. It was alive and 😃.
Introduction: By day I celebrate with great people at innovation.ca.gov to serve Californians with data-informed user research. On the flipside, I love immersion in #nature #writing #code #science #culture #history #community ~~~ Also: #odi #cakefarm #hfbk #ethics #opendata #ai #environment #climate #biology #ranchocordova #sacramento #davis #hamburg #stuttgart #desolationwilderness #hiking #cycling #philosophy
#nature #writing #code #science #culture #history #community #odi #cakefarm #hfbk #ethics #opendata #ai #environment #climate #biology #ranchocordova #sacramento #davis #hamburg #stuttgart #desolationwilderness #hiking #cycling #philosophy