37 years ago:
Hamburger: The Motion Picture (US)
Russell has been expelled from several schools for lewd, crude and nude conduct. Busterburger University is his last chance at education and satisfying his disappointed parents
#HamburgerTheMotionPicture #MikeMarvin #LeighMcCloskey #DickButkus #RandiBrooks #ClassicMovies
#hamburgerthemotionpicture #mikemarvin #leighmccloskey #dickbutkus #randibrooks #classicmovies
Cop (1988)
Cop isn't action focused, it is entirely a character study of a desperate, corrupt man painted around the background of catching a killer and the wake of upset he leaves in the pursuit.
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #BadLieutenant #BloodoftheMoon #CharlesDurning #CharlesHaid #Cop #DennisStewart #Fast-Walking #JamesB.Harris #JamesEllroy #JamesWoods #LesleyAnnWarren #RandiBrooks #RaymondJ.Barry #ToLiveAndDieinLA
#toliveanddieinla #raymondj #randibrooks #lesleyannwarren #jameswoods #JamesEllroy #jamesb #fast #dennisstewart #cop #charleshaid #charlesdurning #bloodofthemoon #BadLieutenant #reviews #moviestuffs