Decades have passed since Randolph Carter retreated from the Waking world to reign in Ilek-Vad, his sunset city that once tempted the gods from their high peak in the Cold Wastes. He has fully dissipated the Zkauba-facet from his host mind, and he hides his now alien visage behind enveloping clothes and the waxen mask.
#sfw #lovecraft #randolphcarter #horror #dream #dreaming #male #man #king #mask #suit #turban
#sfw #lovecraft #randolphcarter #horror #dream #mask #suit #dreaming #male #man #king #turban
Decades have passed since Randolph Carter abandoned the Waking world to reign in Ilek-Vad, the sunset city that once tempted the mind-form gods from their high peak in the Cold Wastes. He has fully dissipated the Zkauba-facet of his host mind, but he must still hide his alien form behind flowing cloth and the waxen mask...
#lovecraft #randolphcarter #randolph #carter #dream #dreaming #yaddithian #male #king #sfw #horror #scifi #turban #suit
#king #sfw #horror #scifi #turban #dreaming #yaddithian #male #randolphcarter #lovecraft #randolph #carter #dream #suit