The Art of Not Asking Why: Human errors and an Emacs tip
I can sympathise. I think we fast readers tend to look for patterns and gloss over obvious mistakes such as a few missing letters.
#reading #randomhashtag #emacs
You love bacon sandwiches.
You haven't had a proper bacon sandwich in a while.
You make a bacon sandwich.
You bite your inner lip while eating said bacon sandwich.
OUCH! As you cry while eating the bacon sandwich.
I still love bacon sandwiches.
#takeitslow #keepitsimple #food #randomhashtag #yeah
We have a meetup today - if anyone want to spend a pleasant hour talking about oneAPI AI toolkits - my colleague Edwardo Alvarez will doing a free wheeling chat about these kits and honestly, we'll just be winging it about other stuff as well. You can join us at (to join) or if you want to bypass that shoot me an DM and I'll give you the video link:
TODAY at 11:30am PT - thank you! #hpc #AI #artificialintelligence #oneapi #iamintel #highperformancecomputing #randomhashtag
#hpc #ai #artificialintelligence #oneapi #iamintel #highperformancecomputing #randomhashtag
Apparently there is a bot you can follow to remind you if you've forgotten to caption your photos and videos
And camel casing hastags (capitalising words in hastags eg #RandomHashTag vs #randomhashtag) helps with pronunciation in screen readers.
#randomhashtag #accessibilitytips #video #photography