#15yrsago UK gov’t loses 4 million citizens’ personal info https://cdn.computerworld.co.nz/article/494185/data_four_million_lost_one_year_uk/
#15yrsago #SlimGaillard’s #Vout dictionary: jazz #hipster argot from the 30s https://web.archive.org/web/20080913131050/http://www.pocreations.com/vout.html
#15yrsago Are images of the early #MickeyMouse still copyrighted? https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2008-aug-22-fi-mickey22-story.html
#15yrsago McCain’s #DandD character stats https://www.wired.com/2008/08/john-mccain-cam/
#15yrsago #RandomHouse asks young adult writers to contractually promise not to behave immorally https://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2008/aug/01/childrenswritersdontmisbeha
#15yrsago #slimgaillard #vout #hipster #mickeymouse #dandd #randomhouse
Gizmodo: Get a First Look at George R.R. Martin's Wild Cards: Now & Then Graphic Novel https://gizmodo.com/george-r-r-martin-wild-cards-graphic-novel-exclusive-1850618714 #penguinrandomhousellc #davidanthonydurham #penguinrandomhouse #melindamsnodgrass #kevinandrewmurphy #christopherrowe #georgerrmartin #bradleydenton #carrievaughn #gabrielsilva #peternewman #playingcard #bantambooks #randomhouse #markokloos #renaedeliz #gwendabond #katebrandt #wildcards #anacortez #eisner
#penguinrandomhousellc #davidanthonydurham #penguinrandomhouse #melindamsnodgrass #kevinandrewmurphy #christopherrowe #georgerrmartin #bradleydenton #carrievaughn #gabrielsilva #peternewman #playingcard #bantambooks #randomhouse #markokloos #renaedeliz #gwendabond #katebrandt #wildcards #anacortez #eisner
Gizmodo: Dragonlance's Newest Sequel Storms Bookshelves in August https://gizmodo.com/dragonlance-dragons-fate-new-novel-weis-hickman-dnd-1850626351 #throughthelookingglass #penguinrandomhousellc #wizardsofthecoastllc #destinarosethorn #dungeonsdragons #aliceranniker #mistressalice #tracyhickman #margaretweis #dragonlance #randomhouse #justarius #dalamar
#throughthelookingglass #penguinrandomhousellc #wizardsofthecoastllc #destinarosethorn #dungeonsdragons #aliceranniker #mistressalice #tracyhickman #margaretweis #dragonlance #randomhouse #justarius #dalamar
Eine echte Prinzessin reist am Ende des 19 Jahrhunderts alleine in den Amazonas, um dort Pflanzen und Tiere zu sammeln. Was für ein Skandal! In diesem historischen Roman erzählt Katharina Innig spannend und farbig über die Amazonasreise der Prinzessin Therese von Bayern in den 1880er Jahren. Folgen Sie dem Link und lesen Sie meine vollständige Rezension. #DianaVerlag #Randomhouse #mamahatjetztkeinezeit #lesefutter #KatharinaInnig #DieForscherin #buchblog #buchblogger
#dianaverlag #randomhouse #mamahatjetztkeinezeit #lesefutter #katharinainnig #dieforscherin #buchblog #buchblogger
Time to boycott #Hachette, #HarperCollins, #JohnWileyAndSons, and #Penguin #RandomHouse.
#hachette #harpercollins #johnwileyandsons #penguin #randomhouse #internetarchive
👉 Wow! 🤩
What a life! ✏️
What a book! 📚
👑 #JackKirby 👑
by #TomScioli
Can’t wait for #TomScioli ’s follow-up book on #StanLee 🕶
#kingkirby #jackkingkirby #comics #marvel #marvelcomics #dc #DCComics #captainamerica #fantasticfour #fourthworld #kirbysfourthworld #eternals #newgods #joesimon #readmorecomics
#jackkirby #tomscioli #stanlee #tenspeedpress #randomhouse #penguinrandomhouse #kingkirby #jackkingkirby #comics #marvel #marvelcomics #dc #dccomics #captainamerica #fantasticfour #fourthworld #kirbysfourthworld #eternals #newgods #joesimon #readmorecomics
#randomhouse with a cartel of publishers successful in their first suit to outlaw the concept of libraries
New Yorker: The Artist Whose Book Covers Distilled the Nineteen-Eighties https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/the-artist-whose-book-covers-distilled-the-nineteen-eighties #NewYorker #Books/Page-Turner #BookPublishing #Illustration #RandomHouse #Designers #Vintage #Books #Art
#newyorker #books #BookPublishing #illustration #randomhouse #designers #vintage #art
Some good reads for this Christmas! #TheLostBoys #TheLostGirl #LostandFound #BadLuck #RandomHouse #Amazon
#thelostboys #thelostgirl #lostandfound #badluck #randomhouse #amazon
US judge blocks $2.2bn Penguin Random House merger
«Judge Florence Pan of the US district court for the District of Columbia said in a brief order on Monday that she had found that the justice department had shown that the deal would “substantially” harm competition “in the market for the US publishing rights to anticipated top-selling books”.»
#books #Buch #verlage #publishing #penguin #randomhouse
Si parlés el fang https://directa.cat/si-parles-el-fang/ #GabrielaWiener #Huacoretrato #Expressions #Randomhouse #Narrativa #Llibre
#gabrielawiener #Huacoretrato #expressions #randomhouse #narrativa #llibre