Sure why not? Top 'er up. It's been that sort of day.
Poison Whisky
Lynyrd Skynyrd
#NowPlaying #RandomMusic
Cannot unsee those #BellBottom pants!
#nowplaying #randommusic #lynyrdskynyrd #BellBottom
Time to wrap it up before I wake up in a couple of hours to pock...pock...pock... every two seconds or so. Closing with a classic.
Ritchie Blackmore/Rainbow
Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow
Polydor (Deep Purple Overseas), 1975
#RitchieBlackmore #Rainbow #Vinyl #VinylRecords
#NowPlaying #RandomMusic
#ritchieblackmore #rainbow #vinyl #vinylrecords #nowplaying #randommusic
Time to twist the dial over to Heavy. Oh yeah, don't forget,
Eat The Rich!
Arista Records, 1983
#ResurrectedRecordPlayer #Krokus #Vinyl #VjnylRecords
#NowPlaying #RandomMusic
Middle first side call: I had forgotten how *rock solid* this album is! 🤘
#resurrectedrecordplayer #krokus #vinyl #vjnylrecords #nowplaying #randommusic
Time for some classic #Streetheart
Drugstore Dancer
#ResurrectedRecordPlayer #Vinyl #VinylRecords
#NowPlaying #RandomMusic
#streetheart #resurrectedrecordplayer #vinyl #vinylrecords #nowplaying #randommusic
80's calling, play me something angry and gritty! No, not those guys and their bell, there are other Aussie bands you know.
Midnight Oil
Red Sails in the Sunset
#NowPlaying #RandomMusic #ResurrectedRecordPlayer
CBS Records Canada, 1985
#nowplaying #randommusic #resurrectedrecordplayer #midnightoil
It's definitely time for 💤
Then I'm gone, I'm gone..
Judas Priest
Living After Midnight
British Steel
#nowplaying #randommusic #judaspriest
Definitely my favourite Saxon tune. This one grabs and just won't let go!
Bass go chugga-chugga-chugga 🎸🎼
Dallas 1PM
Strong Arm of the Law
#nowplaying #randommusic #saxon
Current Mood: Red Dirt Metal
Riding High with THC 💨
Pissed Off and Mad About It
Pride Of Texas
Texas Hippie Coalition
A great run before work this morning. And an eclectic mix of music pushing me along the way.
#shuffleplay #randommusic #dcrunner #mdrunner #rockcreekpark #rockcreekrunner #running #gayrunner #lgbtqrunners #novicerunner #slowandsteady #gaydad #gayman #runnersofmastodon #fitness #fitnessmotivation #gayfitness #trailrunner #gaydad #fit50s #gayselfie
#shuffleplay #randommusic #dcrunner #mdrunner #rockcreekpark #rockcreekrunner #running #gayrunner #lgbtqrunners #novicerunner #slowandsteady #gaydad #gayman #runnersofmastodon #fitness #fitnessmotivation #gayfitness #trailrunner #fit50s #gayselfie
First run of the season. Finally pushed myself outside for a run. Felt great, but man that last kilometer was tough. Pushed on through.
#shuffleplay #randommusic #gayselfie #dcrunner #mdrunner #rockcreekpark #rockcreekrunner #running #gayrunner #lgbtqrunners #novicerunner #slowandsteady #gaydad #instagay #gayman #instarunners #runnersofinstagram #fitness #fitnessmotivation #gayfitness #trailrunner #gaydad #fit50s
#shuffleplay #randommusic #gayselfie #dcrunner #mdrunner #rockcreekpark #rockcreekrunner #running #gayrunner #lgbtqrunners #novicerunner #slowandsteady #gaydad #instagay #gayman #instarunners #runnersofinstagram #fitness #fitnessmotivation #gayfitness #trailrunner #fit50s
10M users? This is a good choice then 😜
Just Got Paid
Covered, A Revolution in Sound: Warner Bros. Records
#mastodon #nowplaying #randommusic
Ok, I'll grant the lyrics aren't very deep but it still kicks!
Du Hast
#rammstein #nowplaying #randommusic
This tune just grabs me, starts shaking and won't let go!
#rammstein #nowplaying #randommusic
I finally found the band behind a mystery album I downloaded years ago and need to share this with the internet.
I’ve decided it’s a #gordonlightfoot morning. Which will lead to other #canadian music like the #tragicallyhip. #randommusic
#gordonlightfoot #canadian #tragicallyhip #randommusic
A part of my exhibition 2022. Sound made with vcv-rack.
more information:
#vcvrack #randommusic #exhibition #Kunstausstellung #tagederoffenenateliers #kreisbergstrasse #Südhessen #kunstinhessen #andersweltsound #geräuschmusik #noisemusic #zwingenberg #artnews #abstractexpressionism #rawart #undergroundart #outsiderart #returntolife #rückkehrinsleben #multimediaart #kunstanderbergstrasse #kunstinsüdhessen #emotionalart #emotionalekunst
#emotionalekunst #emotionalart #kunstinsudhessen #kunstanderbergstrasse #multimediaart #ruckkehrinsleben #returntolife #outsiderart #undergroundart #rawart #abstractexpressionism #artnews #Zwingenberg #noisemusic #gerauschmusik #andersweltsound #kunstinhessen #sudhessen #kreisbergstrasse #tagederoffenenateliers #kunstausstellung #exhibition #randommusic #vcvrack
Feliz lunes🌼 / Bueno ya es 26 de diciembre¡! y aún se oye canciones navideñas & villancicos. pues le dejó un tema random, uno mi favoritos para dar variedad🙂
Esperó os gusteis :eeveecoffee:
#felizlunes #RandomMusic
I have no idea why this song suddenly popped into my head.
"Bungle in the Jungle" - Jethro Tull