Quantum mechanics, general relativity etc are (very) useful and (very) successful models of reality, but they are still models. We use them because they are useful, not because they are "true". And the day they stop being useful we will stop using them, like we did with all other modelsmof reality that came before them.
#RandomMusing #Physics
Some people have this idea of replacing RSS with ActivityPub...
Remember about a decade ago when people suggested Twitter should replace feed syndication?
I think after all these years the core problem remains much the same: There are so many people, and everybody have things to say, and so many things to say, so many important and/or interesting things.... How to have everyone receive a fair hearing? And do we even really want or need to hear everything?
#randommusing #fz_thinkingoutloud
#RandomMusing Are all mega rich people terrible human beings? Does something happen to you when you have unlimited funds that robs you of any humanity you may have had? It sure seems that way to me. Should I somehow find myself someday with a lot of money, I'd like to think I wouldn't lose my humanity. As long as I have enough coming in to put food on the table and a roof over my head, plus some left over for fun, there really isn't anything more I need.
Whatever did Karen do??????
Today I'm thinking of the importance of not only being a good host but also being a good guest. #randommusing
If you are anti antifa, that means you are pro fascism #profa #RandomMusing