RANDOM NUMBERS. Digital design by A.G. (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. #historiotheque #randomness #randomnumbers #noisefield #noisefields #noisefieldpainting
#historiotheque #randomness #randomnumbers #noisefield #noisefields #noisefieldpainting
#ColinMcGinn - How Can #FreeWill Work?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfFreeWill #PhilosophyOfMind #Randomness #Determinism #Compatibilism #Blame #Responsibility #Morality #MentalCausation #Causation #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #causation #mentalcausation #morality #responsibility #blame #Compatibilism #determinism #randomness #philosophyofmind #philosophyoffreewill #philosophyofscience #philosophy #freewill #colinmcginn
SPACE NOISE INJECTION. Randomized painting by A.G. (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. #historiotheque #algorithmicart #randomness
#historiotheque #algorithmicart #randomness
"New Painting Series" article by A.G. (c) 2023. All Rights Reserved. #historiotheque #algorithmicart #randomness https://medium.com/the-painters-almanach/new-painting-series-ff387d721eb0
#historiotheque #algorithmicart #randomness
"So she prayed to both Lutho, the god of calculation and careful planning, and Tazu, the god of pure randomness, as her teacher had taught her to do."
Ken Liu, "The Wall of Storms"
@mguhlin So ... I'm now thinking of making a concerted effort to post tons of random non sequiturs, un-related words from different languages, and other straight out chaotic balderdash. Hoping they vacuum it up for AI training post haste.
Anyone with me?
#aitrainingsets #google #randomness
"🔥Introducing SwiftFlame, the blazing fast #JavaScript framework created by a team of unicorns 🦄 and dragons 🐲 led by a sentient toaster 🍞. Can execute commands with just a wink and can predict your future 🧙♀️. #coding #webdev #randomness"
#javascript #coding #webdev #randomness
#SabineHossenfelder - "I don't believe in free will. This is why."
#Philosophy #Physics #Science #PhilosophyOfScience #Cosmology #ParticlePhysics #Will #Agency #FreeWill #Determinism #StandardModel #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Emergence #Randomness
#randomness #emergence #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #standardmodel #determinism #freewill #agency #will #particlephysics #cosmology #philosophyofscience #science #physics #philosophy #sabinehossenfelder
Introducing the new #ZiggySpeedyJS, from the mind of a genius unicorn named Earl. This baby runs so fast, it'll make your grandma's dentures fly out of her mouth! It even comes with a built-in cat translator. #javascript #framework #fastcode #randomness
#ziggyspeedyjs #javascript #framework #fastcode #randomness
The Incompressibility of Randomness https://medium.com/design-science/the-incompressibility-of-randomness-f132babd7b42 #compressibility #randomness #noise #design #science
#compressibility #randomness #noise #design #science
Is this book by Simon Conway Morris, *From Extraterrestrials to Animal Minds: Six Myths of Evolution* actually about myths? Not till you get to Chapter 3. Was it worth the 70-page wait? Not sure. My blog series on the book:
Intro: https://sfmatheson.blogspot.com/2023/04/reviewing-from-extraterrestrials-to.html
Chapter 1 (part I): https://sfmatheson.blogspot.com/2023/04/superheroes-and-nonexistent-myth-of-no.html
Chapter 1 (part II): https://sfmatheson.blogspot.com/2023/04/superheroes-and-limits-more-on-chapter.html
Chapter 2: https://sfmatheson.blogspot.com/2023/05/confusion-and-convergence-but-no-myth.html
Chapter 3: https://sfmatheson.blogspot.com/2023/05/mass-extinction-as-acceleration-chapter.html
#massextinction #randomness #adaptation #bookreview #evolution
Twice in my career I found in a company's codebase the following line of code:
This was in commercial products.
Not only does this show a significant misunderstanding of how these work, but even more importantly it clearly showed that the developers hadn't bothered to test their code. #cpp #randomness #sourcecode
That's interesting. Every time I ask Google's #bard for random whole numbers, it gives me sawtooth-like ramping patterns. This is a great example for a stochastic simulation/numerical methods course -- uniformity, but not independence (i.e., bad random number generator).
#GPT #bard #LLM #randomness #PRNG #RNG
#rng #prng #randomness #llm #gpt #bard
Is it all pure coincidence or predictable? How do you create real randomness? : https://www.vnzn.de/en/2020/02/08/dev_random/
#Linux #Programming #Randomness #Computer #operatingsystem #Science
#science #operatingsystem #computer #randomness #programming #Linux
Just revisiting the subject of why Kolmogorov complexity is incomputable. A 'recent' (2020) paper discusses the subject: https://europepmc.org/article/PMC/PMC7516884
"Kolmogorov complexity is the length of the ultimately compressed version of a file (i.e., anything which can be put in a computer). Formally, it is the length of a shortest program from which the file can be reconstructed."
#complexity #kolmogorov #entropy #computation #information_theory #randomness
#complexity #kolmogorov #entropy #computation #information_theory #randomness
Old but still a gem: On 1940, Alonzo Church published his paper "On the concept of a random sequence". You can get the free PDF here (at AMS): https://www.ams.org/journals/bull/1940-46-02/S0002-9904-1940-07154-X/S0002-9904-1940-07154-X.pdf
#mathematics #alonzo_church #randomness #sequences #ams #history
#mathematics #alonzo_church #randomness #sequences #ams #history
#Randomness drives the universe, and also drives #efficiency in #algorithms
#randomness #efficiency #algorithms
#Eclectic #gate entrance at my friend's brother's place - with 2 #aluminum #crutches mounted on it.
#Millstream #VancouverIsland #vanisle #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BritishColumbia #Canada #WackyWestcoast #WeirdWestcoast #Randomness
#eclectic #gate #aluminum #crutches #millstream #vancouverisland #vanisle #pnw #pacificnorthwest #britishcolumbia #canada #wackywestcoast #weirdwestcoast #randomness
Random walk through Wall Street #randomness #WallstreetWisdom #SouthPark
#randomness #wallstreetwisdom #southpark
My brain is trying to find something familiar in random shapes
#randomness #generativeart #openrndr
#openrndr #generativeart #randomness