Kim Cattrall rocked up to my offices today, was so cool to meet her, she was so down to earth and laid back.
#vaultartiststudios #randomthings #mannequin #80smovies
Chrome Snakes? No, just the arms of a broken glass chandelier. #AYearForArt #RandomThings #SpringIntoArt #BlackAndWhitePhotography
#blackandwhitephotography #springintoart #randomthings #ayearforart
Sometimes on my travels around Glasgow, I come across truly random things, like a cassette of Dionne Warwick's Heartbreaker from 1982 hanging on a twig beside a path in the Botanic Gardens!
#glasgow #cassettetapes #dionnewarwick #glasgowbotanicgardens #randomthings #peoplemakeglasgow
#PeopleMakeGlasgow #randomthings #glasgowbotanicgardens #DionneWarwick #cassettetapes #glasgow
#RandomThings 1. Ayer a esta hora estaba ya en la cama intentando dormir y hoy estoy saliendo de yoga con una necesidad insana de una ducha de agua hirviendo
2. Solo con el savasana del principio ya habría merecido la pena ir. Venir. Lo que sea.
Wonder what’ll happen if I do a wee #introduction ‘toot’. *grimaces*
I’m still at The Other Place for now as this place is helluva clunky.
Things I generally post about:
#ManchesterUnited (so shoot me)
#Hearts aka #JamTarts
#Tech, especially #Apple
and #RandomThings that interest me.
I am pro #ScottishIndependence
I am pro #womensrights
I am pro #RejoiningTheEU
But there will be no point about my getting ranty about poor customer service. For now… 😜
#rejoiningtheeu #womensrights #scottishindependence #randomthings #CurrentAffairs #tv #books #apple #tech #JamTarts #hearts #manchesterunited #edinburgh #introduction