@RonPaulQuotes “You either believe in the Constitution, or you don't.” - #RandPaul , who has demonstrated with support of his ‘new dad’ that he does NOT. ✅
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Republicans Melt Down Over Worker Protections for Pregnancy-Related Conditions https://jezebel.com/republicans-melt-down-over-worker-protections-for-pregn-1850718619 #Jezebel #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealthorganization #equalemploymentopportunitycommission #pregnantworkersfairnessact #alliancedefendingfreedom #pregnancydiscrimination #charlotteburrows #judicialactivism #tommytuberville #socialissues #billcassidy #pattymurray #thomtillis #randpaul #senate
#jezebel #dobbsvjacksonwomenshealthorganization #equalemploymentopportunitycommission #pregnantworkersfairnessact #alliancedefendingfreedom #pregnancydiscrimination #charlotteburrows #judicialactivism #tommytuberville #socialissues #billcassidy #pattymurray #thomtillis #randpaul #senate
Toomy Tuberville and Rand Paul- agents of "...dysfunction, ineffectiveness—inability to put national interests over political ones.”
#Republicans #RandPaul #TommyTuberville #USSenate
#republicans #randpaul #tommytuberville #ussenate
Yesterday I got a direct mail solicitation from #RandPaul and something called the National Association for Gun Rights claiming that the UN is coming for my guns. If I had guns, UN would be welcome to them. #gunviolence
Rand Paul's office burns
Heavy smoke and destruction seen
No one was injured
#randpaul #fire #kentucky #senrandpaul #haiku #poetry
#randpaul #fire #kentucky #SenRandPaul #haiku #poetry
OMG, what a scandal! Dr. #Fauci, who the #Republicans have spent over a year demonizing, lying about, and trashing, has a government-funded #security detail! I am shocked!
Human scum, like #RandPaul, are angry that the deranged Republicans they've been intentionally inciting won't have a clear shot at Dr. Fauci, and will have to go through his security team if they want to take him out. I'm so ashamed of my country right now.
#fauci #republicans #security #randpaul
Via Rex Chapman🏇🏼 @rexchapman
He’s mad that college athletes can make money on their own name, image, and likeness.
He prefers the good old days - apparently - when the big schools were paying their players under the table while he and everyone else looked the other way.
Via Rodger Sherman 🤖 @rodger
“Many of us loved watching college athletes who weren’t paid” is the funniest claim. How weird do you have to be to watch a sporting event and be like “you know what the best part of this is? The lack of compensation”
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Finally, Pregnant Workers Have a Legal Right to Take Bathroom Breaks https://jezebel.com/finally-pregnant-workers-have-a-legal-right-to-take-ba-1850581508 #Jezebel #pregnantworkersfairnessact #pregnancydiscriminationact #pregnancydiscrimination #unitedstateslaborlaw #socialissues #thomtillis #randpaul #labor
#jezebel #pregnantworkersfairnessact #pregnancydiscriminationact #pregnancydiscrimination #unitedstateslaborlaw #socialissues #thomtillis #randpaul #labor
Debt Ceiling Deal Heads to Senate; Timeline Unclear https://politicaliq.com/2023/06/01/debt-ceiling-deal-heads-to-senate-timeline-unclear/ #DebtCeilingBill #DebtCeiling #Senate #Schumer #McConnell #MikeLee #RandPaul #Thune #KevinCramer #Biden #McCarthy #MoreDemocrats #politicaliq #news #politics
#debtceilingbill #debtceiling #senate #Schumer #mcconnell #mikelee #randpaul #thune #kevincramer #biden #mccarthy #moredemocrats #politicaliq #News #politics
If the #DebtCeiling bill passes the House, as looks likely, and goes to the #Senate for passage tomorrow or Friday, I hope #RandPaul ‘s neighbor is on stand-by in case Senator ‘Aqua Buddha’ is thinking about a filibuster! 💥
#debtceiling #senate #randpaul
If you want to know who "won" or "lost" in the #DebtCeiling bill, take a look at what conservatives are saying. #RandPaul: "Fake conservatives agree to fake spending cuts. Deal will increase mandatory spending ~5%, increase military spending ~3%, and maintain current non-military discretionary spending at post-COVID levels. No real cuts to see here.
Conservatives have been sold out once again!"
That's in addition to avoiding a catastrophic #Default.
#default #randpaul #debtceiling
US Senator Rand Paul Warns of US Dollar Losing Reserve Currency Status — Says ‘It’s Not an Unfounded Prediction’ - U.S. Senator Rand Paul has warned that the U.S. dollar could lose its status as a ... - https://news.bitcoin.com/us-senator-rand-paul-warns-of-us-dollar-losing-reserve-currency-status-says-its-not-an-unfounded-prediction/ #dollarreservecurrencystatus #de-dollarization #senatorrandpaul #economics #randpaul #usdollar #dollar
#Dollar #usdollar #randpaul #economics #senatorrandpaul #de #dollarreservecurrencystatus
#RandPaul can take a flying fork at a rolling donut. #Republicans are for death, plain and simple.
And #Americans keep electing these greedy criminals.
Long live the official rifle of the #usa!! Morons.
#randpaul #republicans #americans #usa #gop #uspoil #americashithole
▶️ More #Murder in #Louisville #Monday | A little more than two hours after the mass murder at the Old National Bank, there was a second shooting just blocks away. One person was killed and another injured outside Technical Building "A" @ #JCTC Jefferson Community and Technical College. That murderer is at large. LEOs are reviewing tapes.
Neither #RandPaul nor #MitchMcConnel have sent thoughts and prayers for this victim.
#MitchMcConnel #randpaul #jctc #Monday #louisville #murder
@pivoinebleue It's the least Sens. Paul and McConnell can do. The very least.
#RandPaul #mitchmcconnell #Gun
#gun #mitchmcconnell #randpaul