Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Royal Family Is Just Folding Prince Andrew Back in Like We Wouldn't Notice #Jezebel #princeandrewdukeofyork #knightsofthegarter #britishprinces #jeffreyepstein #houseofwindsor #katemiddleton #humaninterest #andrewlownie #susanhussey #elizabeth #randyandy #balmoral #williams #william #charles #meghan #wills
#jezebel #princeandrewdukeofyork #knightsofthegarter #britishprinces #jeffreyepstein #houseofwindsor #katemiddleton #humaninterest #andrewlownie #susanhussey #elizabeth #randyandy #balmoral #williams #William #charles #meghan #wills
One thing that I like VERY much about #RobertFKennedyJunior (a ‘junior-varsity’ Kennedy) is that he is single-handedly finishing-off the last vestiges of political dynasties in the USA 🇺🇸!
A subconscious affinity for political dynasties is something we inherited from our parent nation 🇬🇧 - which it STILL can’t shake-off even after ALL the pervy shenanigans of ‘#BlarneyPrinceCharlie ‘ and his brother #RandyAndy who was the most pampered customer of #JeffreyEpstein. 😂
#robertfkennedyjunior #blarneyprincecharlie #randyandy #jeffreyepstein
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Royal Family Is Playing Hot Potato With Their (Alleged) Sex Pest #Jezebel #princeandrew2cdukeofyork #sarah2cduchessofyork #countiesofengland #britishmonarchy #frogmorecottage #houseofwindsor #jeffreyepstein #sarahferguson #humaninterest #sundaytimes #tylerperry #randyandy #berkshire #elizabeth #frogmore #charles #meghan #andrew #harry #chuck
#jezebel #princeandrew2cdukeofyork #sarah2cduchessofyork #countiesofengland #BritishMonarchy #frogmorecottage #houseofwindsor #jeffreyepstein #sarahferguson #humaninterest #SundayTimes #tylerperry #randyandy #Berkshire #elizabeth #frogmore #charles #meghan #andrew #Harry #chuck
RT @TipMahoney
Taking statement from office of @CarlHeastie as a "no" on cancelling Cuomo pandemic powers, following #DataGate and #RandyAndy scandals
We spilled blood so we didn't have to be ruled by these people. Remember that.
#randyandy #reptilians