Nadal drops to world No. 239: The end of an era? 😱 🏆 🇪🇸
#tennis #nadal #ranking #endofanera RANKING FIFA | REMIS Z ALBANIĄ = POLSKA NIE AWANSUJE NA EURO 2024! | WSZYSTKIE SCENARIUSZE! #365DniOPiłce #AferaKulesza #Albania #AlbaniaPolska #AlbaniaPolskaRemis #analiza #Bramki #Euro2024 #GOLE #GrupaE #GrupaEPoslka #Kulesza #lewandowski #lewy #mecz #Nożna #Piłka #polska #PolskaAlbania #PolskaMecz #polski #ranking #RankingFifa #RankingUefa #reprezentacja #RmfFmKulesza #RobertLewandowski #santos #symulacja #SymulacjaEuro #tirana #WygranaZAlbania #wyniki
#365dniopilce #aferakulesza #albania #albaniapolska #albaniapolskaremis #analiza #bramki #euro2024 #gole #grupae #grupaeposlka #kulesza #lewandowski #lewy #mecz #nozna #pilka #polska #polskaalbania #polskamecz #polski #ranking #rankingfifa #rankinguefa #reprezentacja #rmffmkulesza #robertlewandowski #santos #symulacja #symulacjaeuro #tirana #wygranazalbania #wyniki
Probably many are reading too quickly, so a reminder:
#Alphabet is the holding company for #Google, in turn including also #youTube, #Android, and #Chrome
#ByteDance is #tiktok's
#Meta is #facebook #Instagram
#Messenger #Threads and
#Microsoft is behind #Windows, #Bing, #LinkedIn, #Xbox
So indeed, having them allow #users to choose their #services/ #software, reducing the #tracking tethers and unfair #ranking with these above is great. True, #Twitter's missing
#alphabet #google #youtube #android #chrome #bytedance #tiktok #meta #facebook #instagram #messenger #threads #whatsapp #microsoft #windows #bing #linkedin #xbox #users #services #tracking #ranking #twitter #software Jamie Carragher blind RANKS his Top 5 Liverpool forwards! 😅 ##shorts #Carragher #CarragherSky #EplOther1920 #football #FootballKnowldge #FootballLeague #FootballQuiz #GaryNeville #IanRush #JamieCarragher #KennyDalglish #Liverpool #mane #MoSalah #Neville #NevilleCarragher #NevilleSky #PremierLeague #PremierLeagueHighlights #ranking #Ranks #SadioMane #Sky #SkySports #SkySportsFootball #SkySportsLive #Sports #stream #video #vlog #YouTube
#shorts #carragher #carraghersky #eplother1920 #football #footballknowldge #footballleague #footballquiz #garyneville #ianrush #jamiecarragher #kennydalglish #liverpool #mane #mosalah #neville #nevillecarragher #nevillesky #premierleague #premierleaguehighlights #ranking #ranks #sadiomane #sky #skysports #skysportsfootball #skysportslive #sports #stream #video #vlog #youtube
Going with the #thalapathy trend… Are you a fan of Denzel Washington? Do you want to know his best movies of all time? Check out this article that ranks his top 10 films from worst to best! #DenzelWashington #Movies #Ranking #Vijay
#Vijay #ranking #Movies #denzelwashington #Thalapathy Top 25 Players of Last 25 Years: Dirk Nowitzki is best shooting big man of all time | Hoops Tonight #ColinCowherd #DallasMavericks #DirkNowitzki #HallOfFame #NbaFinals #Podcasts #PowerForward #ranking #SouthwestDivision #TheHerd #TOP10 #Top25 #Volume #VolumeSports #WesternConference
#colincowherd #dallasmavericks #dirknowitzki #halloffame #nbafinals #podcasts #powerforward #ranking #southwestdivision #theherd #top10 #top25 #volume #volumesports #westernconference
La prossima #championsleague potrebbe avere 5 #squadre italiane, grazie al nuovo formato. Tutto dipende dal #ranking #UEFA a fine stagione.
Quindi è importante per tutti i #tifosi che le nostre squadre nelle #coppeeuropee facciano il massimo possibile.
#championsleague #squadre #ranking #uefa #tifosi #coppeeuropee
#University #ranking e #valutazionedistato: si parla della Russia, ma per molti aspetti sembra l'Italia.
#university #ranking #valutazionedistato
Stop evaluating academics based on #university #ranking indicators. Start rewarding the contributions of faculty and researchers in all areas of university activities.
Stop constructing university strategies based on university rankings. Do not use ranking tiers in analytical reports for management decision making; instead, focus on the actual contributions made by a university (scientific, educational, and societal).
Stop evaluating universities based on ranking indicators. Every university has a unique mission, and only fulfillment of this mission really matters.
Stop using ranking information in national strategies and other kinds of ambitions. Only universities’ contributions to national and global goals should be considered.
Stop paying money for consulting services to ranking compliers. This is a pure conflict of interests. Source:
這篇文章會向大家介紹,目前 2023 年在全球及台灣最主要的虛擬貨幣交易所排名,同時也會比較各大加密貨幣交易所的安全性、交易量、儲備量、手續費、優缺點評價…等等資訊:
#btc #eth #usdt #crypto #exchange #ranking #blockchain #coinmarketcap #binance #cex #加密貨幣 #虛擬貨幣 #區塊鏈 #投資 #理財 #中心化交易所 #評價 #介紹 #手續費 #排名 #註冊 #優惠 #幣安 #安全 #合法
#合法 #安全 #幣安 #優惠 #註冊 #排名 #手續費 #介紹 #評價 #中心化交易所 #理財 #投資 #區塊鏈 #虛擬貨幣 #加密貨幣 #cex #binance #coinmarketcap #blockchain #ranking #exchange #crypto #USDT #eth #btc
Ranking evaluation metrics from a group-theoretic perspective
#Deutschland #NRW #Bonn #ÖPNV #Ranking
#Diskrepanz #Auswertung #Kundenzufriedenheit
Ranking -
Bonn hat das beste ÖPNV-Netz Deutschlands -
doch Pendler sehen gravierendes Problem:
#deutschland #nrw #bonn #opnv #ranking #Diskrepanz #auswertung #kundenzufriedenheit
It's poll o'clock. Which Wordpress SEO plugin is the best? (Why do you think so or which plugin did I forget? --> comments below)
boost welcome!
#wordpress #seo #webdesign #search #engine #searchengine #google #searchengineoptimization #plugins #rankmath #yoast #yoastseo #theseoframework #aioseo #seoframework #wpseo #seopress #ranking
#wordpress #seo #webdesign #search #engine #searchengine #google #searchengineoptimization #plugins #rankmath #yoast #yoastseo #theseoframework #aioseo #seoframework #wpseo #seopress #ranking
Saisonvorschau: Neue Härte mit Härtel?
Die Saisonvorschau von der Blau-Gelben Datenwelt auf die neue Saison von Eintracht Braunschweig in der 2. Bundesliga 2023/24.
#DatenweltAktuelleSaison #2Bundesliga #BenjaminKessel #BraunschweigerZeitung #Datenscouting #Eintracht #EintrachtBraunschweig #GlobalSoccerNetwork #GSN #JensHrtel #KeitaEndo #PeterVollmann #Ranking #RonnyThielemann
#ronnythielemann #ranking #petervollmann #keitaendo #jenshrtel #gsn #globalsoccernetwork #eintrachtbraunschweig #eintracht #datenscouting #BraunschweigerZeitung #benjaminkessel #2bundesliga #datenweltaktuellesaison
Finally got my Spring Anime Season Rankings blog post up on Tumblr!
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
#Spring2023 #review #ranking #Anime
The arrogance is shocking: “It’s designed to encourage institutions to actively seek to forge [networks] in new geographies and bring increasingly diverse minds together to solve complex problems,” said Ben Sowter, senior vice president, QS." #QSWUR #universities #ranking
Updated my #ranking of #QueensOfTheStoneAge albums:
1. Songs For The Deaf (5/5)
2. In Times New Roman... (4,5/5)
3. Lullabies To Paralyze (4,5/5)
4. ...Like Clockwork (4,5/5)
5. Era Vulgaris (4/5)
6. Rated-R (4/5)
7. Queens Of The Stone Age (4/5)
8. Villains (3,5/5)
#qotsa #queensofthestoneage #ranking
老司機開車 ep.90 | STARS-791 | 朝田ひまり | Gカップ美巨乳 | 引退作 | 請見影片說明 | 點讚支持不會留下記錄
#AV #FC2 #hotsexygirls #Japaneseav #japaneseavartist #japaneseavdebut #JapaneseAVIdol #japaneseavidols #newavactress #newavartist #Ranking #top10 #TOP10 #十大 #十大美女 #同居 #女优 #女優 #女優排名 #女優新人 #女優新人2022 #寫真 #彩花 #排行榜 #新人av #新出道 #新女優 #日本 #日本av #日本av女優 #日本av女優 #日本女優 #日本新人女優 #朝田ひまり #步兵 #河北 #河北彩花 #清秀 #番号 #素人 #美女 #長身 #高橋しょう子 #高橋聖子
#av #fc2 #hotsexygirls #japaneseav #japaneseavartist #japaneseavdebut #japaneseavidol #japaneseavidols #newavactress #newavartist #ranking #top10 #十大 #十大美女 #同居 #女优 #女優 #女優排名 #女優新人 #女優新人2022 #寫真 #彩花 #排行榜 #新人av #新出道 #新女優 #日本 #日本av #日本av女優 #日本女優 #日本新人女優 #朝田ひまり #步兵 #河北 #河北彩花 #清秀 #番号 #素人 #美女 #長身 #高橋しょう子 #高橋聖子