#vacature #RijksuniversiteitGroningen
(Universitair) Docent IT-recht (1,0 fte)
- afhankelijk van opleiding en ervaring een salaris van minimaal € 2.960,- (schaal 10) tot maximaal € 6.181,- (schaal 12) bruto per maand bij volledige werktijd
NB voor maandag solliciteren bij #rechten050
Voor informatie kunt u contact opnemen met: prof. mr. dr. A.M. Klingenberg, #ITrecht #ITlaw oa #GDPR #privacy #ransomeware #aiLAW #AcademicJobs #Groningen
#vacature #rijksuniversiteitgroningen #rechten050 #itrecht #itlaw #gdpr #Privacy #ransomeware #ailaw #academicjobs #groningen
Not a surprise - a pattern -
Largest US #LawFirms Fall Victim to Devastating #CybersecurityBreach https://www.jdjournal.com/2023/07/10/largest-us-law-firms-fall-victim-to-devastating-cybersecurity-breach/ #cybercrime #lawirms #cybersecurity #IT #breach #ransomeware #Clop #clientdata
#lawfirms #cybersecuritybreach #cybercrime #lawirms #cybersecurity #it #breach #ransomeware #clop #clientdata
I recommend this book if you are #ciso and try to protect #azure and #microsoft365 from #ransomeware
Give it to your admins and grant the e5
#ciso #azure #microsoft365 #ransomeware
Hat es einen Grund, dass im Bericht Zahlen zu #LockBit-Aktivitäten nur aus USA, Neuseeland, Australien und Kanada gelistet werden, aber nicht aus Deutschland und Großbritannien? Werden solche Zahlen nicht erhoben? Denn Fälle gibt es ja mit Häfele, Continental, ...
Oder hab ich die übersehen?
「BBC、BA、BootsがサイバーギャングClopから最後通牒を突き付けられる」: BBC
「Clop グループは、MOVEit ハッキングの影響を受けた人々に対し、6 月 14 日までに電子メールを送信するよう警告する通知をダークウェブに投稿しました。そうしないと盗まれたデータが公開されます。
BBC、ブリティッシュ・エアウェイズ、ブーツ社の10万人以上のスタッフは、給与データが盗まれた可能性があると伝えられている。 」
#prattohome #bbc #moveit #ransomeware
RT @dez_blanchfield
"Developing An Enterprise Cloud Data Protection Strategy", story by Dez Blanchfield via http://elnion.com https://bit.ly/44iMj4C
#enterprise #data #protection #dataprotection #datamanagement #strategy #backup #archive #restore #recovery #ransomeware #hack #ai #ml #cloud
#cloud #ml #ai #hack #ransomeware #recovery #restore #archive #backup #strategy #datamanagement #dataprotection #protection #data #enterprise
Strategies for Preventing and Responding to Ransomware https://lincolncyber.com/protecting-your-digital-world-strategies-for-preventing-and-responding-to-cyber-threats/
#infosec #ransomeware #CyberAttack #InformationTechnology #informationsecurity #CyberSecurityAwareness
#infosec #ransomeware #cyberattack #informationtechnology #informationsecurity #cybersecurityawareness
Check Point が新しい高度で高速なランサムウェアである Rorschach を分析。
#prattohome #checkpoint #ransomeware
「2023 年 3 月 30 日 (木曜日): 「Cylance Ransomware」と名乗る新しいランサムウェアを発見」
Top attack vectors for #ransomeware
🎯 Phishing
🎯 Unpached software
-Michael DeNicola, Supervisory Special Agent, The FBI New York Office, Cyber Branch
What are you doing to protect your applications and services from ransomware?
Ferrari has disclosed a data #breach following a ransom demand received after attackers gained access to some of the company's IT systems☝️👩💻 #ransomeware
「フェラーリは、身代金要求を受けた後、データ侵害を明らかにしました 」: BLEEPINGCOMPUTER
「流出した顧客情報には、名前、住所、電子メール アドレス、電話番号が含まれている」
#prattohome #bleepingcomputer #ransomeware #ferrari
This is the worst timeline.
Ransomware attacks have entered a heinous new phase https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/03/ransomware-attacks-have-entered-a-heinous-new-phase/
#Ransomeware #Attack #Philadelphia #MedicalRecords #InfoSec #TechNews
#ransomeware #attack #philadelphia #medicalrecords #infosec #technews
Medusa ransomware gang picks up steam as it targets companies worldwide #medusagang #ransomeware #cybersecurity
#medusagang #ransomeware #cybersecurity
#Ransomeware was something I thought would only be a phase in the #cybersecurity space. But I was completely wrong, 10 years later it is still a massive problem, but I never hear of private individuals that are actually affected by it anymore, it is now a corporate and enterprise level problem, and not for the everyday user.
It has definitely evolved.
#ransomeware #cybersecurity #Hack #hacking #infosec #security
So it looks like #DishNetwork was hit with #Ransomeware. Sounds like a case of poor #patchmanagement with out of date #ESXI servers getting hit. This is why high rated #vulnerabilities need to be fixed or at least remediated ASAP.
#VMWare advised customers of this on February 6. Dish network was hit on the 23rd. A little over 2 weeks later.
Obviously, #cybersecurity is a never-ending battle, and it's hard to keep up, but if the door's lock is broken, you probably want to jump on that.
#dishnetwork #ransomeware #patchmanagement #esxi #vulnerabilities #vmware #cybersecurity
#Ransomeware attacks remain the most impactful for organisations and can severely affect critical services
Great read on #ransomeware from @EUCyberDirect
RT @EUCyberDirect: Recent sanctions against 🇷🇺 hackers linked to #ransomware attacks highlighted once again the global nature of #cybercrime & the need for joint efforts to fight it.
What actions are needed to combat ransomware?
@CyAlliancePrez answers on #DirectionsBlog:
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EU_ISS/status/1625495445429694470
#ransomeware #Ransomware #cybercrime #DirectionsBlog