xq · @ikskuh
95 followers · 139 posts · Server layer8.space

So i started using this year. Yeah, yeah, i'm late to the party, i know.

But i'm still kinda suspicious about the widespread usage of python. The language isn't really my favourite, but the ecosystem is huge.

I still hold my stance that python isn't really suited for bigger applications or stuff that requires even the least amount of perf, but it's a wonderful tool to quickly hack stuff that must run once or must be super flexible.

#python #programming #rant

Last updated 1 year ago

Michele Neylon · @mneylon
249 followers · 279 posts · Server flipboard.social

My Privacy Has Been Sold mj.ie/45IVJqk


Last updated 1 year ago

sollat · @sollat
497 followers · 1094 posts · Server masto.ai

I’m having one of those days where there’s a list of things I’d *like* to get done, but each one requires something else to be done to make room first. And then I found that the cat puked down the wall, which required three other things to be cleaned/moved in order to get to that wall.

On the plus side: a lot of stuff has been getting done; however, I now need a vacation from this staycation.

#rant #oneofthosedays

Last updated 1 year ago

Charlie · @cdp1337
186 followers · 894 posts · Server social.veraciousnetwork.com

Dear companies: Thank you for providing easy opt-out links for your bullshit emails.

PS: FUCK YOU for defaulting users to opt-in to bullshit marketing emails that nobody ever wants in the first place without notifying users that they will be receiving this shit in their inbox.

PSS: Thank you for including a "Cancel Account" link in your profile management page. I will CERTAINLY make use of it. (Looking at you Lyft and Doordash)

#rant #capitalism #advertising

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael T Babcock · @mikebabcock
243 followers · 2098 posts · Server floss.social

When you finish up at a client and open the app to your favourite take out place in their city and try to order yourself something for pick up... And the app keeps saying "cannot add this to your order" for every item... And you just want to go edit their code for them and fix it.
Had to call and speak to a human. Much worse experience. Sigh.

#gabrielpizza #Ottawa #foodapp #programmer #software #customerservice #rant #onthebirdsitetheydreply

Last updated 1 year ago

Charlie · @cdp1337
185 followers · 893 posts · Server social.veraciousnetwork.com

I received an infographic from Ohio Roundtable, a political action group under the umbrella of the extremist propaganda zealots American Policy Roundtable, listing the text of a bill scheduled to be on the Nov ballot here in Ohio, with a reminder to "share this with everyone you know".

m'kay. American Policy Roundtable out of Strongsville Ohio and a corporate office in Medina Ohio appears to be an extremist xian organization ran by David Zanotti, Rob Walgate, Melanie Elsey, and others (at least as per their website), and while this is the first I've heard of them, they appear to use pathetic propaganda techniques to muddy people's thoughts in an attempt to convince them that their twisted, disconnected version of reality is gospel.

Oh, they probably meant "spread the bill".... ok, this is a short but super important bill aimed to prevent the government from interfering with sexual and reproductive rights of Ohioans. IANAL, but since they were nice enough to include the full text of the bill, I skimmed through it and nothing looks out of the ordinary to me, so I'll be voting FOR this amendment to pass.

.... oh, or did they mean to share their scribbles on the paper to illustrate their concerns?

Well they seem to take exception that this bill is all-inclusive with the text "Every individual" without mention of age or gender. I find this odd for them to point out because yes, of course we want it to be all inclusive. It _does_ mention one's own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to contraception and fertility treatment. These two aren't limited to one gender or another, so yeah, it just makes sense that it's ensuring _everyone's_ rights.

They also seem to take issue that age is never mentioned, as everyone means EVERYONE. Another weird concern; if this group wants to believe that a clump of cells deserve full human rights, why would a 17 year old girl not also deserve full human rights?..... seems woefully inconsistent, almost like they don't actually give a fuck what happens to children. Doesn't sound very "family values oriented" to me.

Maybe the piece of information they want shared is their unawareness of science and the scientific method. "evidence-based" has a note to "undefined" for some reason, because scientific evidence is a foreign concept to them? Similarly, the term "fetal viability" seems to thoroughly confuse them, despite the definition of such being listed in the text of the bill. Again however, this is a medical/scientific term, so it's not surprising that it escapes their zealot-indoctrinated minds.

Anyway I could continue as they have a LOT of scribbles, but their sad antics aren't worth wasting anymore of your time. Thanks for watching, and I'll go back to my usual technology-oriented posts now.

#ohio #politics #rant

Last updated 1 year ago

robeaston · @robeaston
240 followers · 106 posts · Server dreamin.online

why bring your dogs to a grocery store? Not sure this is relevant but these folks are wearing shirts. This post is not the usual stuff.

#rant #florida #dogsofmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Böser anonymer Account 🇺🇦 · @fzer0
601 followers · 5600 posts · Server nerdculture.de

@Regez @docjosiahboone @badlogic @zeitferne

Jupp, dies.

Wir haben jetzt alle Kinerärtze in 3 Bezirken durchgerufen. (Innviertel)

KEINER impft.
Immer der gleiche Text, zuwenig Nachfrage, sie bräuchten mind. 10 Kinder.

Wie erwartet müssen wir also mal wieder improvisieren und hoffen dass die Fr. Doktor die letztes Mal Off-Label geimpft hat dieses mal auch wieder den Erwachsenenimpfstoff in kleinerer Dosierung gibt.

Ich wohne wirklich im dümmsten Eck Österreichs.


Last updated 1 year ago

Matthias Drexel · @matthiasdrexel
407 followers · 3416 posts · Server tyrol.social

Kund*innendienste stellen sich immer dann *offline* wenn ich von ihnen was brauch.

Wenn sie mir was verkaufen wollen, dann geht's aber zackig.


Last updated 1 year ago

Super Nintendo Chalmers · @64bithero
94 followers · 1020 posts · Server mstdn.games

I’ve been switching between sql, php , REACTJS, standard JS and C# all day. All for the same project. Please tell me how I’m still a jr dev in their eyes ?!? 7 years ...

#rant #dev #blah

Last updated 1 year ago

Martin Tilo Schmitz · @MartinTilo
76 followers · 115 posts · Server mastodon.gamedev.place

Dear Tech world,
Seamless SSO (Single Sign-On)

#rant #seamless #sso #it #authentication

Last updated 1 year ago

sibaku · @sibaku
65 followers · 237 posts · Server mas.to

Still can't believe that the SVG arc path command is unable to draw a full circle/ellipse. And all the solutions I have seen were like "just put the second point at like 2Pi - 0.0001". Why should I leave a hole for the resolution independent vector graphic format? So I just split the arc up into parts so they can do the full turn. As if working with angles isn't annoying enough already

#vectorgraphics #svg #programming #rant

Last updated 1 year ago

Super Nintendo Chalmers · @64bithero
93 followers · 1014 posts · Server mstdn.games

I am reading an email entitled “escape the cold” as I stand outside in 95 degree weather. Read the room Frontier , damn.

#random #rant #joke #junkmail

Last updated 1 year ago

pnpnerd · @pnpnerd
121 followers · 433 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

Ahhhh ich drehe durch! Seit 20 Minuten suche ich nach einer Tastatur für meinen Arbeitsplatz-PC. Ich brauche eine einfache, kabelgebundene mechanische Tastatur mit blauen MX Keys. Mehr nicht! Keine Gaming-Tastatur (wo allein wegen „Gaming“ 20€ draufgeschlagen werden), keine programmierbaren Tasten und DEFINITIV KEIN FUCKING RGB!!!!!
Wieso ist das so schwer zu finden?

#rant #ITBubble #firstworldproblems

Last updated 1 year ago

Filip Sedlák · @krab
68 followers · 439 posts · Server mastodonczech.cz


Nastavuji teď něco v Azure a při vytváření úložiště jsem narazil na několik rozhodnutí, která se pro daný objekt nedají později změnit.

Když nevím, co vše to rozhodnutí má za důsledky, tak se dostanu několikrát do stavu, kdy vše smažu a jdu znova. Někdy je potřeba ještě čekat než je to jméno znova volné. 🙄

Terraform & spol. znám, ale když tu věc teprve zkoumám, tak preferuji GUI, které mě má vést (a tady GUI funguje celkem v pohodě).

#UX #rant

Last updated 1 year ago

Marc Fritsche · @marcphisto
56 followers · 504 posts · Server mastodon.ie

How is fastway still in operation? They're a fucking shambles.

#fastway #rant #idiots #useless

Last updated 1 year ago

BSM (sw.s) 🇨🇭 · @bsm
500 followers · 901 posts · Server swiss.social

Der nervt schon jetzt einfach nur. Warum sollte der werden? Bitte verhindert das ihr National- und StänderätInnen. Danke.

Bis zur letzten Bundesratswahl hatte ich das Gefühl, dass er eigentlich ein ganz passabler ist. Dann haben sein Ego und sein Geltungsdrang übernommen. Seit da kann ich den Typ nicht mehr ausstehen.


#jositsch #bundesrat #politiker #DanielJositsch #rant #Bundesratswahl #schweiz #Wahl #wahlkampf

Last updated 1 year ago

Kleiner :
Warum in drei Gottes Namen wurde die Funktion zum Einfügen von Hyperlinks im Gutenberg Editor so verhunzt? Wer dachte den: "Hey, lass uns einbauen, dass die Leute einen extra Schritt machen müssen, um Zusatzfunktionen zu aktivieren, die man früher sofort hatte!" 😫

#wordpress #rant

Last updated 1 year ago

w0dz · @w0dz
244 followers · 1178 posts · Server writing.exchange

So now i understand the presence
of zig zag lines outside the high school
They indicate where zones of least resistance
will, in all likelihood, deposit failing roofs and
which have, inexplicably, passed
their use by date, and, like white chocolate aero
gone rapidly out of fashion. Is this the last
piece of evidence of undisguised class
you need to finally, finally vote
for anyone at all who is not


#wrdz #rant #backto #raac #smallpoems #poetry #poem

Last updated 1 year ago

Super Nintendo Chalmers · @64bithero
93 followers · 1005 posts · Server mstdn.games

To get an apartment , you get a background check, need a large down payment & a waiting period. None of these are done for guns. This sentence explains why we have a homelessness and gun problem in America.

#thoughts #rant #capitalism

Last updated 1 year ago