Today, I am disappointed. It's not for any tech, personal, or work reasons.
No. It's over an acquisition. The maker of Rao's pasta and tomato sauces has been acquired by Campbell Soup.
“We’re not touching it! Anyone who thinks we’re going to touch the sauce, no.”
- Mark Clouse, Campbell President and CEO
I really hope that holds true in the long run...
#rao #sauce #tomatosauce #pasta #pastasauce #campbell #acquisitions
#rao #sauce #tomatosauce #pasta #PastaSauce #campbell #acquisitions
An Explicit Expansion of the Kullback-Leibler Divergence along its Fisher-Rao Gradient Flow
Carles Domingo-Enrich, Aram-Alexandre Pooladian
Action editor: Murat Erdogdu.
Kotaku: Dragon Ball Z Creator's Other Classic Manga Finally Gets A Game #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #shunsukekikuchi #shc58dnenmanga #creativeworks #geoffkeighley #akiratoriyama #dragonballz #bandainamco #dragonball #atarigames #beelzebub #sandland #drslump #comics #manga #rao #dbz
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #shunsukekikuchi #shc58dnenmanga #creativeworks #geoffkeighley #akiratoriyama #dragonballz #bandainamco #dragonball #atarigames #beelzebub #sandland #drslump #comics #manga #rao #dbz
日清ラ王CM「鍋でラ王 篇」15秒 / テツandトモ・種﨑敦美
#NISSIN #Rao #Vlog #voiceactress #テツ&トモ #テツandトモ #テツandトモ種﨑敦美 #なんでだろう #にっしん #ラーメン #ラオウ #ラ王 #即席食品 #声優 #女性声優 #日清 #日清ラ王CM鍋でラ王 #種崎敦美 #篇15秒 #袋麺 #鍋 #鍋の〆 #麺
#nissin #rao #vlog #voiceactress #テツ #テツandトモ #テツandトモ種﨑敦美 #なんでだろう #にっしん #ラーメン #ラオウ #ラ王 #即席食品 #声優 #女性声優 #日清 #日清ラ王cm鍋でラ王 #種崎敦美 #篇15秒 #袋麺 #鍋 #鍋の〆 #麺
An Explicit Expansion of the Kullback-Leibler Divergence along its Fisher-Rao Gradient Flow