"I find any solution will first have to start with the real story. We need to sit down around the same table and agree on the diagnostic. We need to agree on the genocide. We have to agree on the whole line of history that has been going on for more than 700 years. Otherwise there's no conversation possible. [...]
It's about acknowledging the past and the present because they are strongly connected. We already know enough. The problem is what we do with that knowledge."
"Exterminate All the Brutes”: Filmmaker Raoul Peck Explores Colonialism & Origins of White Supremacy, interview
#history #whitesupremacy #colonialism #raoulpeck #genocide
"I find any solution will first have to start with the real story. We need to sit down around the same table and agree on the diagnostic. We need to agree on the genocide. We have to agree on the whole line of history that has been going on for more than 700 years. Otherwise there's no conversion possible. [...]
It's about acknowledging the past and the present because they are strongly connected. We already kow enough. The problem is what we do with that knowledge."
"Exterminate All the Brutes”: Filmmaker Raoul Peck Explores Colonialism & Origins of White Supremacy
#history #whitesupremacy #colonialism #raoulpeck #genocide
Monday's film of the day is:
#Marx #Engels #raoulpeck
Available on Amazon Prime Video for a price or
here with ads:
Wer einen Filmtipp will: #RottetDieBestienAus von #RaoulPeck
#rottetDieBestienAus #raoulpeck
Peck, as always the case, brings much humanity out of the political history and figures with great compassion and urgency. The period details are impeccably replicated and acting, from Diehl, Konarske and Krieps and the supporting cast, solid. The Young Karl Marx is not sensationalized in any way. It's a total antidote to throw in someone's face who is accusing you of being a commie, just because you don't subscribe to the capitalist way of thinking. #raoulpeck #lejeunekarlmarx #marx #communism
#raoulpeck #lejeunekarlmarx #Marx #communism
Ah, hier auf YouTube:
#RottetDieBestienAus von #RaoulPeck , Teil 1:
#rottetDieBestienAus #raoulpeck
Tipp, was weiße Menschen anschauen können, wenn sie sich zu #Winnetou und #Rassismus weiterbilden wollen:
"Rottet die Bestien aus!" von Raoul Peck.
Die 4 Teile zeigen die Realität indigener Menschen im sogenannten Amerika und anderswo, als weiße erstmals ihr Land überfielen.
( ich hab die 4 Teile damals auf #Arte geschaut ( https://programm-origin.ard.de/TV/arte/rottet-die-bestien-aus--/eid_287244000585429 )in der Mediathek sind sie aktuell wohl weg?! :-( - Gern ergänzen, wer einen besseren Link hat.)
#winnetou #rassismus #arte #raoulpeck #rottetDieBestienAus
« Je peux certifier que le monde n'est pas blanc. Il ne l'a jamais été, ne peut pas l'être. Le blanc est une métaphore du pouvoir, juste une manière de décrire la Chase Manhattan Bank. »
James Baldwin, notes pour "Remember This House", citées dans le film de Raoul Peck, "I am Not Your Negro" (2017)
#jamesbaldwin #raoulpeck #racisme #blanchité
#jamesbaldwin #raoulpeck #racisme #blanchité