The 1789 Constitution was a wonder of its time.
It has to go.
Unlimited False Commercial Speech behind the Corporate Shield has to go.
Lying is not speech.
Capitalism is not speech
Capitalism is not art.
Corporations are not people
You either understand it and are relevant to the future, or you dont and arent.
#The1789ConstitutionIsTrash #LyingIsNotSpeech
#RapeCourt #MooreVHarper
#the1789constitutionistrash #lyingisnotspeech #rapecourt #moorevharper
The 1789 Constitution was a wonder of its time.
It has to go.
Unlimited False Commercial Speech behind the Corporate Shield has to go.
Lying is not speech.
Capitalism is not speech
Capitalism is not art.
Corporations are not people
You either understand it and are relevant to the future, or you dont and arent.
#The1789ConstitutionIsTrash #LyingIsNotSpeech
#RapeCourt #MooreVHarper
#the1789constitutionistrash #lyingisnotspeech #rapecourt #moorevharper