One of the only articles I think #NationsAfrica actually wrote well and NEEDED to be written as well. Kudos finally. #Woman #SexualAssault #Africa #BlackWomen #AfricanWomen #RapeCulture
Also check out her #Books and read. Read. Read. Read. #Read
#nationsafrica #woman #Sexualassault #Africa #blackwomen #africanwomen #rapeculture #books #read
#Women #WomensRights #WestAfrica #Humanity #GirlsAreChildren #Women #Children #Crisis #Conflict #EndChildMarriage #Rape #RapeCulture #Africa #USA #NorthAmerica #SouthAmerica #Asia #Europe #tiktokviral #LaceysHouse #LaceysHousePa #LaceysHouseAfrica #respectwomen
#women #WomensRights #WestAfrica #Humanity #girlsarechildren #children #crisis #Conflict #endchildmarriage #rape #rapeculture #Africa #usa #northamerica #southamerica #asia #europe #tiktokviral #laceyshouse #laceyshousepa #laceyshouseafrica #respectwomen
#Ghana #GhanaTourism #Travel #news #Women #ECOWAS #WestAfrica #Benin #Senegal #TheGambia #SierraLeone #BurkinaFaso #Mali #Niger #Niamey #Rape #RapeCulture
#GirlsAreChildren #Girls #GBV #DomesticViolence #FGM #Humanity #Humanrights #WomensRights #ChildAbuse
#Ghana #ghanatourism #travel #news #women #ecowas #WestAfrica #benin #senegal #thegambia #SierraLeone #burkinafaso #mali #niger #niamey #rape #rapeculture #girlsarechildren #girls #GBV #DomesticViolence #FGM #Humanity #humanrights #WomensRights #childabuse
ist »Kuss« wirklich das adäquate Wort für sexualisierte Gewalt?
Wo bleiben eigentlich die männlichen spanischen Fußball Stars, die jetzt Position für Hermoso ergreifen und den Rücktritt von Rubiales und dem ganzen Verbands Vorstand fordern und zur Not kein Länderspiel mehr machen?
#rubiales #hermoso #spanien #rapeculture
Warum ganz genau streikt das spanische Männer-Fußball-Team nicht? Man könnte fast glauben, es vertrete rapeculture.
#spanien #Fussball #rapeculture #allies
My first article poses the question: what did they think was going to happen [when they called for deaths*]?
#evangelicals #rapeculture #january6th
I refuse to call it #CancelCulture for the same reasons I don’t call it #RapeCulture
#GhanaNews #GhanaInvestment #Corruption #crime #Scam The actual article and the names of the #PoliceOfficer who #SexuallyAsaulted me. #ghana and the ignored #rape and #rapeculture #ghananews #ghanians #sexualassault #girlsarechildren #women #blacktoafrica #backtoafrica #ghanatourism #Africa #Accra #AccraGhana #ErnestAddo #ErnestFantaAddo #RoyalBeulahHotel #EastLegon #AfricanAmericans #Blackamericans
#ghananews #ghanainvestment #Corruption #crime #scam #policeofficer #sexuallyasaulted #Ghana #rape #rapeculture #ghanians #Sexualassault #girlsarechildren #women #blacktoafrica #backtoafrica #ghanatourism #Africa #Accra #accraghana #ernestaddo #ernestfantaaddo #royalbeulahhotel #eastlegon #africanamericans #blackamericans
People don’t #Read and I’m not a #Tech person coming soon more articles turned into #videos #Rape #Rapeculture in #Ghana #Africa #Women & #girls #Femicide #GBV #Ghanian #Men #news #GhanaNews
#read #Tech #videos #rape #rapeculture #Ghana #Africa #women #girls #femicide #GBV #ghanian #men #news #ghananews
Getting old as a poor woman is serious bullshit.
As a younger woman I had to put up with street harassment. Constantly being cat called, or hit up by men asking for my phone number with no prior interaction, unwanted touching and groping, and once when I was very young some asshole swerved into deep gutter water deliberately to drench me as I walked to school in a brand new dress I was very proud of. It was never ending from the moment I was allowed to walk around and go places by myself until I became an undesirable due to wrinkles and other age indicators.
You'd think that would have been the end of it, but no.
Now I'm seen as a soft target. The harassment isn't sexual anymore. That's the only difference. Now it's just being outright bullied by men in public, and being seen as an easy mark for petty crime (like the time the dude ran up the street to grab food off my Instacart order while I tried to get it into the building's front door). I'm poor so I live in a poor neighborhood and of course all the displaced folks are living on the streets with nowhere to go so the desperation is concentrated and more people are preying on each other. I'm extremely reluctant to go outside anymore. There've been armed robberies of people using the ATM a few blocks away, and Jen Angel was killed in a purse snatching gone wrong not five blocks from my house. Capitalism kills in so many ways. (I know I'm preaching to the choir).
I was hoping that once I'd aged out of being seen as a sexual being I could live my life unencumbered by negative reactions with randoms in public but alas, that is not to be.
Women are always prey. From cradle to grave.
I'm just so fucking tired.
#feminism #ageism #capitalism #rapeculture
Whelp #kenya #ghana #Uganda #gay #Homosexuality #Homophobia #Africa #Africans #GhanaNEWS #Women #Girls #RapeCulture #Rape #SexualAssault #Defilement #femicide #Murder #Pedophilia
#Kenya #Ghana #uganda #gay #homosexuality #homophobia #Africa #africans #ghananews #women #girls #rapeculture #rape #Sexualassault #defilement #femicide #murder #pedophilia
Der Fall #Rammstein ist so praktisch für das #Patriarchat und #RapeCulture.
Wenn alle so entsetzt und empört sind, wie konnte das System dann so lange funktionieren?
Jetzt können alle sagen, 'mit #TillLindemann will ich nichts zu tun haben', um zu zeigen wie progressiv und antisexistisch sie sind. Bis zum nächsten Outcall, von dem selbst die Personen im Umfeld nichts mitbekommen haben.
Es ist das Schweigen des Umfelds, welches Übergriffe und Rape-Culture möglich machen.
#tilllindemann #rapeculture #patriarchat #rammstein
575.000€ ins knapp 3 Tagen. Ein wichtiges Signal gegen die #RapeCulture in Deutschland.
Falls du auch noch ein bisschen was übrig hast, kannst du hier spenden:
Fast 400.000€ gegen das Silencing und Einschüchterung durch die #Rammstein Anwälte, dass gibt Hoffnung.
Übrigens stecken da die gleichen Anwälte wie bei #Mockridge dahinter.
#rammstein #mockridge #rapeculture
Am Freitag läuft auf #Pro7 Feuerball. Ein Negativbeispiel für die Normalisierung von sexueller Belästigung und Missbrauch.
#JamesBond betatscht eine unbekannte Krankenschwester, die sich dagegen wehrt. Das ignoriert er, hält sie mit Gewalt fest und küsst sie gegen ihren Willen auf den Mund.
Später droht er ihr, dass sie ihren Job verlieren könnte und erpresst so Sex mit ihr.
Und das begeht kein Bösewicht, sondern der "Held" des Film.
#007 #Thunderball #RapeCulture
#pro7 #jamesbond #thunderball #rapeculture
Everyday in almost every country I post here on my time line a #Women or #Child is #Murdered #sexualassault or #Raped and it’s become some sort of a running 🏃🏿♂️ joke with #Men as they post #FearWomen and laugh 😂 at #Femicide the #rapeculture is deep in most countries and I won’t tag the worst ones but #women already know.
It’s sad and disgusting #GBV #DomesticViolence #ChildMarriage #GirlsArrChildren if the women, girls and children 👧🏿 are dying everyday, who’s the #Problem ? 🤔
#women #child #murdered #Sexualassault #raped #men #fearwomen #femicide #rapeculture #GBV #DomesticViolence #childmarriage #girlsarrchildren #problem
The land of #Morality #Culture & great 👍🏽 #Upbringing good ole #Christian nation. A pastor or self-proclaimed #Prophet said he’d F$€K a woman for an hour and paralyze her and a good moral #GhanaNews outlet thought this would be #SocialMedia appropriate when #Women #Femicide #GBV #Rape #Girls #Defilement #SexualAssault #RapeCulture #DomesticViolence #Murder
#morality #culture #upbringing #christian #prophet #ghananews #socialmedia #women #femicide #GBV #rape #girls #defilement #Sexualassault #rapeculture #DomesticViolence #murder