Extremely harsh story of muslim migrant rape and near murder in Sweden
Maybe book mark this and watch and read the story after New Years. This is harsh even by our standards, and is a hell of a terrible way to end the year. But reality is what it is and nothing changes if we bury our heads. Still, a fe
#IslaminEurope #rapeinIslam #RapeRobandmolestattacks #Sweden #tortureandmurder
#tortureandmurder #sweden #RapeRobandmolestattacks #rapeinIslam #IslaminEurope
Afghan refugee convicted of rape of three year old, claims its his cultural right
Of course the Afghan is correct. It would have been career suicide for Laura to go into that particular angle, but it would have been the right one to go down. He is right. It is their culture. But only of infi
#HijratoislamifytheWest #Islam #LeftismandIslam #PedophiliainIslam #rapeinIslam
#rapeinIslam #PedophiliainIslam #LeftismandIslam #Islam #HijratoislamifytheWest
Preview of Tommy Robinson’s film on child-rape and forced prostitution gangs of Children by Muslim gangs
#Muslimrapegangs #rapeinIslam #TommyRobinson
#TommyRobinson #rapeinIslam #Muslimrapegangs