Immer wieder erstaunlich, welche Firmen von #RAPEX-#Produktrückrufen der #EU betroffen sind. 2022 sind bekannte Namen wie #BMW (CE 04, injuries), #Kawasaki (KX-ST10.1, electric shock, fire, injuries) sowie #Stromer (ST1, ST3, ST5) darunter. Nicht alle Modelle jeweils pauschal, aber für manche Produktionszeiträume ordnet die EU an: "Recall of the product from end user". Ich bin skeptisch, ob das so funktioniert und dass die Firmen tatsächlich ihre Käufer informieren. Passiert das?
#stromer #kawasaki #bmw #eu #produktruckrufen #rapex
#CJUE #AG Ćapeta : les opérateurs économiques ont le droit de demander qu’une notification #RAPEX soit complétée sur le fondement des dispositions du #traitéUE relatives à la #librecirculationdesmarchandises 👉
#CJUE #AG #rapex #traitéUE #librecirculationdesmarchandises
#ECJ #AG Ćapeta: economic operators have the right to request a #RAPEX notification’s completion on the basis of the #EUTreaty provisions concerning the #freemovementofgoods 👉
#ECJ #AG #rapex #EUTreaty #freemovementofgoods
⚖️30/11 (A): Construction de nouveaux #réacteursnucléaires – recours par l’#Autriche (T-101/18)
⚖️1/12 (A): Mandat d’arrêt européen – pathologie chronique grave #MAE (C-699/21)
⚖️1/12 (C): #RAPEX – libre circulation des produits pyrotechniques (C-626/21)
#LaSemaineCJUE #réacteursnucléaires #Autriche #MAE #rapex
⚖️30/11 (J): Construction of new #nuclearreactors – action by Austria (T-101/18)
⚖️1/12 (J): European Arrest Warrant – serious chronic disease #EAW (C-699/21)
⚖️1/12 (O): #RAPEX – free movement of pyrotechnic goods (C-626/21)
#ECJHighlights #nuclearreactors #EAW #rapex
Just went through all feeds in my #RSS reader. Several services stopped their services, including the #RAPEX list and #CyanideAndHappiness 😠
#rss #rapex #cyanideandhappiness
@EU_Commission I just realized that the #RAPEX #RSS feed is not working anymore, and probably hasn't for a while.
I have now found but no RSS feed there. Can you provide an RSS feed for news on that page, please?