Ruhige Sonntagsrunde mit dem Sohn
#shotoniphone #spiegelwaldrunners #AppleWatchUltra #shotoniphone14promax #pictureoftheday #diewocheaufinstagram #fahrrad #orbea #strava #garmin #rapha #garminedge1040
#garminedge1040 #rapha #garmin #strava #orbea #fahrrad #diewocheaufinstagram #pictureoftheday #shotoniphone14promax #applewatchultra #spiegelwaldrunners #shotoniphone
“People do not evolve in easy.
They do not taste better where there is comfort.
Growing pains are how you get a leg up.
The journey to growth comes with its own pain.”
Happy Monday #getmotivated #cycling #cyclinglifestyle #roadcycling #rapha #northcarolina
#getmotivated #cycling #cyclinglifestyle #roadcycling #rapha #northcarolina
Finished Rapha Rising, 10,400 feet of elevation gain over the last three days. (That’s a lot for me!)
Now my Zwift avatar can enjoy some Rapha kit - the only time I will ever afford Rapha is when it’s free.
2023 Zwift route tracker: 76 routes down, 48 to go.
#rapha #letsgoridebikes #Cycling #bikes #zwift
After 6,500 feet uphill in the first two stages of #Zwift’s #RaphaRising series, it is time to close the weekend with La Reine, Ventoux and 3,875 more feet to climb.
#letsgoridebikes #Cycling #bikes #rapha #rapharising #zwift
After the first two stages of #Zwift’s #RaphaRising series in my legs I have climbed 6,500 feet in the last 50 miles this weekend.
Set seven #Strava PRs on stage two, including a new best on AdZ by 7:10.
Then there’s tomorrow, Ventoux, and another 3,875 feet uphill.
Fair amount of work for a virtual kit.
#letsgoridebikes #Cycling #bikes #rapha #strava #rapharising #zwift
Time for the second #Zwift stage of #RaphaRising. After 2,500 feet of climbing yesterday, today it gets a bit more demanding. This route has 3,885 feet of ascent. And more tomorrow!
#letsgoridebikes #Cycling #bikes #rapha #amn #rapharising #zwift
Anyone know what happened to the Rapha on Filbert & Fillmore? All boarded up 🤷♂️
First #Zwift stage of #RaphaRising down.
Wound up climbing 2,500 feet, nice and easy. But it gets stiffer.
Some 7,400+ feet of ascent tomorrow and Sunday.
#letsgoridebikes #Cycling #bikes #rapha #rapharising #zwift
A lot of riding this weekend. A fair amount of climbing. Tonight, there’s 2,198 feet up Climber’s Gambit.
Some 7,400+ feet of ascent tomorrow and Sunday.
#letsgoridebikes #Cycling #bikes #rapharising #rapha #zwift
Wieder ein paar Sachen bei #Rapha im Sale. U.a. mein Lieblingsteil: Insulated Jacket aus der Brevet Serie für 150EUR (inkl. 10% Neukunden-Rabatt). Die 120EUR für's Trikot sind mir allerdings (noch) zu viel.
【フォートナイト】 雑談 カスタムマッチなど😎✨ ※概要欄・固定コメントをよく読んでルールを守って参加してね👋 仲良く楽しくFortnite✨
##PS5Live ##ライブ配信 #fortnite #Fortniteライブ配信中 #playstation5 #RAPHA #RAPHATV #SonyInteractiveEntertainment #カスタムマッチ #ギフト付き #ギフト企画 #グリエ #クリエイティブ #スキコン #スキンコンテスト #フォートナイト #フォートナイトライブ配信中 #フォートナイト女子 #フォトナ女子 #ラッファ #ラファ #ラファTV #ラファパパ #ラファママ #女性配信者 #家族 #小学生 #松坂桃李 #親子 #鬼ごっこ
#鬼ごっこ #親子 #松坂桃李 #小学生 #家族 #女性配信者 #ラファママ #ラファパパ #ラファTV #ラファ #ラッファ #フォトナ女子 #フォートナイト女子 #フォートナイトライブ配信中 #フォートナイト #スキンコンテスト #スキコン #クリエイティブ #グリエ #ギフト企画 #ギフト付き #カスタムマッチ #sonyinteractiveentertainment #RAPHATV #rapha #playstation5 #Fortniteライブ配信中 #fortnite #ライブ配信 #PS5Live
Hoffentlich hab ich mich heute nicht zu arg verkühlt! #festive500 #cycling #cyclist #gravel #gravelbike #rapha #challenge #radfahren 1 Tag to Go
#festive500 #cycling #cyclist #gravel #gravelbike #rapha #challenge #radfahren
Heute leider unter Tages Soll, die nächsten beiden Tage werden sehr hart. #festive500 #cycling #rapha #challenge
#festive500 #cycling #rapha #challenge
#festive500 #cycling #radfahren #cyclist #rapha kaputt
#festive500 #cycling #radfahren #cyclist #rapha
jeszcze tydzien temu myślałem o zrobieniu sobie kilku dni wolnego, by chociaz raz zdobyć #festive500 by #raphaFestive500 #rapha. Niestety, organizm jednoznacznie odpowiedział, ze nie tym razem.
Tak, dopadło mnie jakieś choróbsko, gardło z przeziebienie etc. robie wszystko, zeby chociaż przyzwoicie wyglądać przy wigilijnym stole.
#festive500 #raphafestive500 #rapha #cycling #rower
Join a Rapha Festive 500 Group Ride on Zwift this Weekend
#zwiftevents #rapha #zwift #gravelcycling
Noch etwas Weihnachtsgeld übrig? Bei #Rapha gibt es aktuell bis zu 50% im End-of-Season Sale. Schöne Sachen v.a. aus der Brevetserie dabei
Renewed my #RCC membership for my 9th year ( #FounderMember ) and got this lovely RCC cap. Thanks, #Rapha, this is the best cap yet!