sorry to be “that person” but just linking this to comments really just for myself so I can read it off twitter
Learned about replacing nitter.it with twitter.com from @trendless
& now I can’t stop;)
This is such an important paper though as it’s showing how dangerous Omicron is…especially to the #brain #OmicronIsNotMild #avoidReinfection #rapidAging #telomereShortening #senescence #dumpMuskForTheTusk
#Brain #omicronisnotmild #avoidreinfection #rapidaging #telomereshortening #senescence #dumpmuskforthetusk
https://nitter.it/enemyinastate/status/1591455151105404928?s=46&t=VEQ_D0WdSqwNgpYSRdCDUw from @EnemyInAState
so… I’ve been comparing #SARS2 to #DavidBowie #CatherineDeneuve #TonyScott #campy 🎥#TheHunger since August b/c I was seeing #irl #rapidAging exactly as in🎞️& now I’ve the #science #proof #telomere
It’s less immediately visible in young people but it’s #definitely happening
You don’t know the #healthEffects of #strangers but when I found out a 29 yr old #acquaintance had #HBP #incident at work & now takes Rx…. #thisIsNotNormal
#SARS2 #davidbowie #catherinedeneuve #tonyscott #campy #thehunger #irl #rapidaging #Science #proof #telomere #definitely #healtheffects #strangers #acquaintance #hbp #incident #thisisnotnormal