#youtube Compound attack by point, compound riposte by cut #rapierfencinglesson https://youtu.be/I_bZRWQq9gw
I just uploaded “Parry riposte cut head #rapierfencinglesson #bladework #cortellata #alcapo #defenseofsteel” to… https://vimeo.com/797837439
#rapierfencinglesson #bladework #cortellata #alcapo #defenseofsteel
practicing defense against a compound attack with feints #rapierfencinglesson #parryriposte
#parryriposte #rapierfencinglesson
simple parries across the high line,
& riposte direct cut outside cheek
(with opposition of the left hand)
#awaitingtheattack #rapierfencinglesson
What calls for a riposte with a lunge?
(vs. a riposte remaining in guard position)
- practicing compound defense
- & then a slow walk-through of a correspondingly developed compound offense.
#logicofthecontrary #swordhandmedicine #rapierfencinglesson