In truly one of the most Asian things to ever happen, my entire family "liked" our photo of #Rappscallion with her book "Computer Engineering for Babies."
I want to troll them with a pic of her holding something like "Surrealism for Infants" or "Screenwriting For Tots".
In my search for more children's music for #rappscallion , I stumbled across KENNY LOGGINS.
That's right, our Footloose/Danger Zone bard made a whole dang children's music album, and this is the cover.
It's fucking glorious.
It includes hits like "Return to Pooh Corner", "All the Pretty Ponies", and "Rainbow Connection."
I have not lived until this day.
@Graham_LRR Absolutely. Luckily #Rappscallion is a trooper and a very sweet babby. We're hoping she catches on quickly!
Doug was at Whole Foods this morning with #Rappscallion, and an older lady came over to say that she looked like "the Baby Mandalorian."
I'm choosing to interpret this as a compliment?
#Rappscallion doesn't seem to understand that you can pull the scarves in her toy *to* her mouth, rather than lunge towards them with her mouth open like a very small vampire.
My friends need to come see #rappscallion so she can receive weirdly specific blessings from them.
I'm anticipating things like:
- May your pencil lead never break
- May your bras always fit
- Your socks will always stay dry
- You will never lose your keys
- Beverages will always remain at the optimum temperature
Looking forward to seeing what gifts they bestow.
::listening to a kid's song::
"You'll be my little man,
You'll be my littlest lady,
You'll be, my funny little bunny
Hey hey, little babe."
"See, #Rappscallion! The three genders!"
#Rappscallion is only happy for long periods if she's:
1. Looking at trees
2. Underneath trees
3. Being shown trees
4. Trees
Googling "how to tell if my child is an Ent" right now.
Just me at 2am, making dying frog noises with #rappscallion before I rock/sing her to sleep.
I'm so glad she's as weird as me.
#Rappscallion's first starter Pokemon is providing a lot of solace during her checkup.
Well done, Fuecoco.
::to the tune of "Gold finger"::
Tiger FACE
It's the toy,
The toy with the tiger FACE
You love it's FACE!
(This is #Rappscallion's favorite toy)
#Rappscallion is teething, and it's making all of us miserable.
Yet another reason why I dislike Elesh Norn.
Bill Fettucini and Rapp Scallion from The Secret of Monkey Island making out would totes break the internet! #SoMI #TheSecretofMonkeyIsland #monkeyisland #BillFettucini #RappScallion
#SOMI #thesecretofmonkeyisland #monkeyisland #billfettucini #rappscallion