May 1945. Liberation. But Not For Everyone.: #history #1945 #war #bersiap #rapwi #indië #kolonie #revolution We seem to have forgotten most of history and learned very very little. After the Allied invasion of France, Germany was... [[ This is a content…
#bersiap #kolonie #revolution #war #indië #history #rapwi
May 1945. Liberation. But Not For Everyone.: #history #1945 #war #bersiap #rapwi #indië #kolonie #revolution We seem to have forgotten most of history and learned very very little. After the Allied invasion of France, Germany was... [[ This is a content…
#history #war #bersiap #rapwi #indië #kolonie #revolution
May 1945. Liberation. But Not For Everyone.: #history #1945 #war #bersiap #rapwi #indië #kolonie #revolution We seem to have forgotten most of history and learned very very little. After the Allied invasion of France, Germany was conquered by the Soviet…
#history #war #bersiap #rapwi #indië #revolution #kolonie
#history #1945 #war #bersiap #rapwi #indië #kolonie
“Everybody living in the house of 'tante Tien' is forced to flee to a refugeecamp at the Wenckebachlaan in Bandoeng. Controversially the camp is guarded by Japanese soldiers against the Indonesians.”
#bersiap #history #war #rapwi #indië #kolonie
#history #1945 #war #bersiap #rapwi #indië #kolonie #revolution
“For all Dutch and other citizens in the Asian region, World War II is not ended when Western Europe is libertated from the Germans. They are still under occupation of Japan,.”
#bersiap #rapwi #indië #revolution #war #history #kolonie