5 mei 1948
Bill begint te drummen als 5 jarige, beïnvloed door de #bigband muziek die hij thuis hoort, waaronder #GeneKrupa.
En later als tiener is oa #RingoStarr zijn groot voorbeeld.
Vanaf 1960 speelt hij in het bandje #TheRest en in 1964 ontmoet hij guitarist #TonyIommi, en ze richten de band #Mythology op.
#GeezerButler en #OzzyOsbourne van de band #RareBreed richten samen met hen #PolkaTulkBlues op. In 1969 veranderen ze de naam in #BlackSabbath.
#billward #bigband #genekrupa #ringostarr #therest #tonyiommi #mythology #geezerbutler #ozzyosbourne #rarebreed #polkatulkblues #blacksabbath
Help Save These #AkhalTeke Bloodlines
You and the Akhal-Teke community are the last chance for these special mares!
#rarebreed #horserescue #breedrescue #heritagebreed #breedpreservation
#breedpreservation #heritagebreed #breedrescue #horserescue #rarebreed #AkhalTeke
17 juli 1949
In 1967 richt hij zijn eerste band op #RareBreed met de jonge #OzzyOsbourne als frontman. Een date met een vriendin zorgde voor een ontmoeting met #TonyIommi.
Ze zagen elkaar niet meer, maar tijdens een concert waar hun beide bands optraden vormden ze #PolkaTulk, met op drums #MikeWard. Na een naamsverandering was #BlackSabbath geboren.
In deze bezetting verandert Butler naar de bassgitaar, want Tony is de betere gitarist binnen de band.
#geezerbutler #rarebreed #ozzyosbourne #tonyiommi #polkatulk #mikeward #blacksabbath
紀州犬(きしゅうけん) https://www.wacoca.com/pets/97808/
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RT @MLProduce
Taken last night, the new snow moon with a Manx Loaghtan showing off! #manxloaghtan #rarebreed #nativebreeds #sheep #SnowMoon #farming #biosphereIOM #isleofman
#manxloaghtan #rarebreed #nativebreeds #sheep #snowmoon #farming #biosphereiom #isleofman
紀州ケン: EMI の自宅での最初の日 https://www.wacoca.com/pets/95382/
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#紀州犬 #youtubevlog #youtubekishu #youtubehelsinki #youtubefinland #youtubedogvlog #youtubedog #youtubeakitas #youtubeakita #suomiyoutube #rarebreed #puppykishu #puppybrothers #puppiesyoutube #nihonkenpuppy #nihonken #kishuyoutube #kishuken #kishuinu #kishugirl #KISHU #JapaneseDog #inu #instagramdog #helsinki #dogeyoutube #dogvlog #dog #brindleakitas #americanakita #akitayoutube #akitapuppyyoutube #akitainuyoutube #akitainubrothers #akitainu #akita
Monty also went STRAIGHT to his bucket this morning. I'm shutting them into a small paddock at night because they had been escaping. Now as soon as I open the gate they make a beeline straight for the #crystalyx bucket! Good though as the girls are 8 weeks out from #lambing so it'll keep their energy up.
#crystalyx #lambing #farming #farmer #sheep #rarebreed
Monty also went STRAIGHT to his bucket this morning. I'm shutting them into a small paddock at night because they had been escaping. Now as soon as I open the gate they make a beeline straight for the #crystalyx bucket! Good though as the girls are 8 weeks out from #lambing so it'll keep their energy up.
#crystalyx #lambing #farming #farmer #sheep #rarebreed
Well my new #rarebreed large black boar seems to have done his job with the ladies (Margaret and Hyacinth). Check out Richard's arrival in my pig vid!
#rarebreed #farming #regenerativeag #youtube #farmeruk
It's been an interesting few days on the farm with the #rarebreed sheep doing their best to escape AND signs of potential kidding from Eve, the goat. #farming #sheep #goats
#rarebreed #farming #sheep #Goats
Time for these three little (large) piggies to have their supper. No signs of the gilts being covered; c'mon Richard - do your job.
#pigs #farmer #largeblacks #rarebreed