#value 2021 #Nickel $4.2bn, Lithium $1.5bn, #RareEarth elements $0.59bn, #cobalt $0.12bn
#value #nickel #rareearth #cobalt
So, about the new round of #USGS #Mendehall #Postdoc #Fellowship opportunities…
The #MojaveDesert has a long history of #mining (see, for example, http://www.desertsymposium.org/publications/2023_Mines_of_the_Mojave.pdf). From 19th century mule teams hauling boron, to the uranium boom of the 1950’s, to modern mining operations like the Mountain Pass #RareEarthElements #mine, the #Mojave has been in the middle. If you’ve ever dreamed of being a part of that history then do we have the opportunity for you!
The need for #CriticalMinerals, like #lithium or #RareEarth #minerals for use in gadgets and as part of the transition to clean energy has never been greater. Mendenhall Opportunity 22-13, “Constraining the geologic and tectonic conditions of critical element mineralization in the Mojave Desert, California” (https://www.usgs.gov/centers/mendenhall-research-fellowship-program/22-13-constraining-geologic-and-tectonic-conditions), seeks a #postdoc to apply #GeologicMapping, #geochemistry, and #geochronology to better characterize critical minerals systems in the Mojave. The application window opens 1 September and closes on 1 November.
#usgs #mendehall #postdoc #fellowship #mojavedesert #mining #rareearthelements #mine #mojave #CriticalMinerals #lithium #rareearth #minerals #geologicmapping #geochemistry #Geochronology
First of all, the reason I'm posting so much stuff about #LimitedResources is because I agree that the rush to switch the fleet to EVs is based on magical thinking and #OverConsumption
But #RareEarth materials remain an issue because of that consumption. While electronics use far less per item, that's offset by the fact that there are 7B smart phones in the world vs 1.4B cars. phones are replaced every 2yrs or so. and the recycling recovery is of RareEarths is less than 1%
#limitedresources #overconsumption #rareearth
The requirement for wind renewable energy is, thankfully, far less than that required to replace the 800m personal ICE fleet with the 1bn EVs as Tesla hope for, and as MIT recently modelled.
The consumer electronics market is a side show here, both in importance and volume, and use in LED lighting is orders of magnitude smaller.
#RareEarth #refining #EnergyTransition #China
#LimitedResources #Wind
#degrowth #rareearth #refining #energytransition #china #limitedresources #wind
The major benefit is the reduced ecological footprints of public transport over personal transport vehicles (#EVs or ICEs) and journeys.
Electrified and efficient, or possibly green hydrogen fuelled, public transport is the icing on the cake.
#RareEarth #refining #EnergyTransition #China
#EVs #degrowth #rareearth #refining #energytransition #china #limitedresources
"Why it matters: #EVs need refined rare earths to make the magnets for the motors."
Good job we don't need EVs!
We need public transport and bicycle and pedestrian friendly communities.
#RareEarth #refining #EnergyTransition #China
#EVs #degrowth #rareearth #refining #energytransition #china #limitedresources
Nobody seems to be able to bring a capable #RareEarth #refining plant online - leaving the green #EnergyTransition dependent on the whims of #China
Why it matters: #EVs need refined rare earths to make the magnets for the motors. #LimitedResources
#rareearth #refining #energytransition #china #evs #limitedresources
Still looking for a good hashtag to file all these #LimitedResources stories under. It's the problem that is just mostly ignored via magical thinking. "The entire fleet needs to be #EVs" is met with hurrahs. Very few people realize what that means in terms of #resource #extraction, the hard limits on #lithium or #RareEarth reserves or refining capacity.
We can't consume our way out of something that is an #OverConsumption problem at its core.
#limitedresources #evs #resource #extraction #lithium #rareearth #overconsumption
5,000 Wild New Species Discovered in Region That #Ocean #Mining Will Soon Devastate. Called the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), an underwater plain that spans 3,000 miles between Hawaii and Mexico, has become the world's largest mineral exploration region because it contains valuable metals such as copper, nickel, cobalt, iron, manganese, and #rareearth elements. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/88xqek/5000-wild-new-species-discovered-in-region-that-ocean-mining-will-soon-devastate
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #TheHueyShow
Rare Earth:
🎵 I Just Want To Celebrate
#nowplaying #bbc6music #TheHueyShow #rareearth
A huge deposit of rare earth elements has been discovered in North Dakota. The minerals, which are vital for many technologies, are found in a 30-foot-thick layer of rocks in the Williston Basin. The discovery could reduce the US dependence on foreign sources, especially China, which dominates the global supply.
#RareEarth #WillistonBasin #MineralResources
#rareearth #willistonbasin #mineralresources
China plans to ban rare earth magnet exports, which could cripple the global supply chain of high-tech products. Rare earth magnets are essential for many devices, such as electric vehicles, wind turbines, smartphones, and military equipment. This could trigger a trade war and force other countries to find alternative sources or develop their production capabilities.
China plans to ban exports of rare earth magnet tech 👇 🧲 🗿
#tech #rareearth #chinavsusa #magnettech #techwars
Brother in law is a mining engineer and we had an interesting talk about EVs, energy, and rare earth mining this weekend.
He states the mining industry serves the will of society. And right now as the administration and car companies are making commitments to clean energy, the US is sorely lacking in #lithium & #rareearth deposits that are on track to begin development. Our allies have some projects in the works but China holds most of the cards.
As a “greenie”, this was sobering to hear.
🔊 Auf radioeins läuft...
Rare Earth:
🎵 Get Ready
If you're not following Evan Hadfield's #RareEarth already you really should. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4hMyaxv558
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #LaurenLaverne
Rare Earth:
🎵 I Just Want To Celebrate
#nowplaying #bbc6music #LaurenLaverne #rareearth
Europe wants to become less dependent on China for strategic raw materials – this path begins in the small EU state of Estonia.
Estonia is in the process of building an industrial cluster for the production of metals which are essential for the «green transformation» of the economy. This marks a first step towards an integrated European supply chain of strategic raw materials.
#recycling #rareearth #greentech #estonia #Europe