#Introduction (2/2)
…Long-winded, LOL.
Avid reader, mostly fiction, mostly mysteries or stories about lives and perspectives very different from my own. Fan of debut novels (being there for the moment a person became an author).
We have #chickens and a #RareFruit #orchard. Living in Southern California, so rare to us is mostly #subtropical. #Zone10a.
Old af (#GenX). Can probably beat you at #PopCulture #trivia.
Pleased to meet you and learn what makes you tick!
#trivia #popculture #genx #zone10a #subtropical #orchard #rarefruit #chickens #introduction
Just tried nance for the first time — an exotic (to me) fruit that I’d never heard of before last weekend. Update: I definitely don’t like nance. Glad as always to have tried a new thing, though!
#trynewflavors #homeorchard #rarefruit
Such a wonderful initiative.
#organic #growing #fruit #rarefruit
TFW your space cat #Jonesy enjoys the #MiracleFruit shrub’s fragrance with as much love and pride as I have for the only miracle berry we got this season. 🥹❤️
I love that his love of plants and trees is just my passion for them. 🌳🐾
#SpaceCat #SynsepalumDulcificum #MiracleBerry #MiracleFruit #RareFruit #WeirdFruitTrees #RareFruitGrower #CRFG #IDontNeedTherapyITalkToMyPlants
#idontneedtherapyitalktomyplants #crfg #rarefruitgrower #weirdfruittrees #rarefruit #miracleberry #synsepalumdulcificum #spacecat #miraclefruit #jonesy