In the past two weeks I have #reviews about things that are
hilarious: #Deadloch
courageous: #TheGoodMothers
hopeful: #TheQuietGirl
healing: #RareObjects
historic: #NellyandNadine
horrifying: #TheHorrorOfDeloresRoach
social commentary: #TheValet
silly: #80ForBrady
relevant: #Classof09
suspenseful: #GodsCrookedLines
July is the 10 year anniversary of my blog at Yay me!
#reviews #deadloch #thegoodmothers #thequietgirl #rareobjects #nellyAndNadine #thehorrorofdeloresroach #thevalet #80forbrady #classof09 #godscrookedlines
#RareObjects #Review #Movies New work from director Katie Holmes #DirectedbyWomen about damaged women becoming friends.
#rareobjects #review #movies #directedbywomen
#RareObjects is a new #Movie from Katie Holmes about a woman who struggles to go on after a trauma. It's about friendships. Julia Mayorga stars with Holmes. #Review here:
It’s overstuffed and often jarring. But #RareObjects is also honest and unassuming, never insipid or sentimental, with a rough power, a generous spirit, and performances that are warm, wise, and perceptive. My review: [US cinemas/VOD tomorrow]