Je n'aborde pas le sujet pour blamer les ukrainien·ne·s et encore moins pour plaindre #poutine, qui est et restera un criminel à arrêter et à juger, lui, et ses orcs, son armée #rashist de #russkies #vatniks #moskals etc.. les qualificatifs ne manquent pas, c'est d'ailleurs très significatif de ce dont je parle ici. J'aborde ce sujet parce qu'il y a une chose qui me dérange de plus en plus dans notre propagande contre la #russie ou l'envahisseur russe. Et je ne vois personne en parler,
#poutine #rashist #Russkies #vatniks #moskals #russie
Post of the day: #Rashist unpacks a present from his girlfriend.
Valyukha knows that he won't come back 🤡
#Belarusian #Gayun reports that another echelon with scrap metal from the #Rashist military equipment has arrived in #Belarus
The train was heading from the #Moscow region to the #Belarusian #Brest region.
More than 15 fuel tankers, at least five KamAZs, three Urals and BTR-80A were transported on the platforms, and three freight cars were also traveling in the train.
The Third Force
#brest #Moscow #Belarus #rashist #gayun #Belarusian
Hilarious setup. I wonder if he knows who Basquiat was. And what he thought of imperialist colonizers like #rashist #russia. Someone should attempt to hack his new iPhone and deliver the final hart attack.
It seems Lavrov has the latest Iphone with him at G20 summit. One wonders where he got it - Apple left Russia in the spring.
Where are all the Russian phones they said would substitute Iphones?