In the original, this darkness (闇) is not mere darkness, but that of the Buddhist bardo (中有). This is crucial because right-vs-wrong does not exist in the bardo. In other words, Rashōmon is then not so much a story of subjectivity vs objectivity, but rather a deemphasis on objectivity altogether.
#linguistics #translation #rashomoneffect #Rashomon
Und lustigerweise hab ich gestern ein Video über den #RashomonEffect gesehen. Und der wurde natürlich bei #GlassOnion verwendet. Lustiger Zufall :ablobcatbongo:
We’re still pretending there was any sort of “lockdown” for an extended period of time in America, I see.
I attribute this to elevated cortisol levels which impede memory formation and retention.
Y’all don’t even remember what happened and now we’ve got full-blown real-live Rashomon Effect.
#COVID19 #quarantine #rashomoneffect #stress #memoryloss #remember
#COVID19 #quarantine #rashomoneffect #stress #memoryloss #remember